China's Top 6 Beauty Trends

From V-Size Tape to Skin Bleaching Cream ...

After the 1990s, there has been a lot of changes in the beauty of China. Recently, with the changes in Chinese makeup, young Chinese women are presenting China's beauty brands in western countries.

Chinese women take care of themselves, and it takes a lot of time to make their makeup.

From V-size tape to skin bleaching cream, Chinese beauty trends are similar to the Western countries. In this post we will know about the current beauty trends of China.

1. Yellow Skin

To get yellow skin, where women of Western countries are tanning and the brooms are putting, Chinese women are using the products that make the skin brightened.

Chinese women can get such a skin, for this, China's beauty shops are full of whiteaning cream, lotion, fascial mask, foundation etc.

When China was an agricultural country, the yellow skin was indicated that you have not worked in the fields and you are part of the elite class.

2. Double oriented tape

European style makeup is extremely popular in China. Therefore, there is no huge surprise that big eyes in China is a popular beauty tendency.

China's Beauty Industry named 'Ialid Tape', to provide perfection and beauty of the eyes, discovered a new wondrous make-up.

In a short time, Chinese women can get accessed "double oreid" which makes the eyes look big and wide.

3. Nose Wax

Although Face Sculpting is not as popular in China, but some women still adopt this complex process.

Using the Scar Wax, these women can give their lovely nose more clear nose. After such a transformation, some women will not be able to identify without makeup.

4. V-size tape

Chinese women use a special tape, which is known as 'V-size tape', to show small and short. This tape is applied on the edge of the junk line and it is covered with the foundation. Thus it is mixed with the skin foundation.

5. Ibro Stamp

Ibro Stamp is a beauty trend that is hacked in extremely short time.

Instead of making a perfect eyebrow, it takes time to 2-5 minutes. With this new Chinese invention, your eyebrows will be immaculate in a few seconds.

There are many types of eyebrow stamps with different textures and colors. Typically, offer 2-3 eyebrow shapes with the seller per pack.

And if you also take the eyebrow jail later, your perfect eyebrow will remain the whole day.

This is helpful in giving you a slim face and a better jog line.

6. Dark Lips

Women in this make-up look give eyebrows deep black and their lips are dark lipstick. Makeup on the eyes should not be at all.

Categories: Beauty
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