The names of 6 women who have illuminated their name as opposed to the stream

There are also women in our society, who have made their different and specific identities despite all the difficulties, have made their different and specific identities, they have challenged all the obstacles in the opposite direction.

In our communities, there are also some of the people who believe in the promotions, the issues of their problems, they have been able to accept it.

Avni Chaturvedi

Achanikjnm 27 October 1993 Korivamandhua.Inchehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh »

Awnikabatabhabhabhatya is in the world. In the future,

अवनि चतुर्वेदी | ऐसी 6 महिलाओं के नाम जिन्होंने धारा के विपरीत जाकर अपना नाम रोशन किया है | Her Beauty

Arunima Sinha

Bartkeepurwbalibalkiladhitthomountavrestfthkrnevaliphlibartiydiwyanghankinkajnm 1988 Menuttrpradecesultanpurjilemenhua 11 April 2011 Kopdmawatiakspresseyatrakrnekedurankucshatirchoroneunhencltitrensebahrfenkdiatha, Prinamswrupunkabayanparktgyakjindgiawrmutkijngmenarunimakijithui, Badmenunkeparkokritrimparkesharejodhagya.

On May 21, 2013 Koduniyaki Sansabachchichichoti;

अरुणिमा सिन्हा  | ऐसी 6 महिलाओं के नाम जिन्होंने धारा के विपरीत जाकर अपना नाम रोशन किया है | Her Beauty

Sneha Khanvalkar

Snehokanvalakarvanamah is the one who has a historical person.

He has received a lot of money in the firstcompotism

Bharat Siddhisi Bharat Singh,

स्नेहा खानवलकर  | ऐसी 6 महिलाओं के नाम जिन्होंने धारा के विपरीत जाकर अपना नाम रोशन किया है | Her Beauty

Mithali Raj

Mitalirajhpurwbartiymahilakriketkiladhiawrkptanhankvetestkriketmendohrastklganevaliphlimahilakriketkiladhihankinkajnm 3 December 1982 Kojodpurmenaktmilpriwarmenhuathaksuruatidurmenvebrtnatyamkekshetramenkariyrbnanachahrhithylekinanttogtwaunhonnekriketkoapnakariyrchunakmitaliaeseephlimahilakriketr Hanjinhonneantrrashtryyakdivsiymachonmenlgatarasatbarardhstkjdehankunhen 2015 Menvijhdnkriketrawrpdmsribimilchukaha.

मिताली राज़ | ऐसी 6 महिलाओं के नाम जिन्होंने धारा के विपरीत जाकर अपना नाम रोशन किया है | Her Beauty

Surakha Yadav

Surekha BharaturelVekeepahiamhilamhhilarelargarh Khan, in 1988, Bharat Haldertechnic Conditional .8 March 2011 Kodekkkwinnamakarelarwadikopunasamumbimakchalwadi Keeshiyikiphilimhilanatrinarbanin. This specialization International

सुरेखा यादव | ऐसी 6 महिलाओं के नाम जिन्होंने धारा के विपरीत जाकर अपना नाम रोशन किया है | Her Beauty

Santosh Yadav

Stabdikicharcitmahila Sntoshyadvkanamprwatarohnkekshetrmenisliaagrnihakiunhonnebiswkisrwadik Unchichotikoapaneparonsedobarnapakrnyaitihasrchahaksntoshjikajnm 1969 Menhrianakerewadijilemenhuatha, Grkelogunkishadijldihikrnachahtethe, Lekinunhonnevirodkaswrbulndkrkeischarchaprviramlgadiatha.

In 2000, I will be happy.

In this way, we reach the conclusion after the study of the above mentioned women, that if there is a stubbornness to move forward, no obstacle can stop us.

सन्तोष यादव | ऐसी 6 महिलाओं के नाम जिन्होंने धारा के विपरीत जाकर अपना नाम रोशन किया है | Her Beauty

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