Women who are not thrown by men in Labkovsky
What makes a woman welcome for men?

What makes a woman welcome for men? The beauty? Youth? Humility, which is often masked under the so-called "female wisdom"? The famous Russian psychologist M. A. Labkovsky is confident that at all these qualities turn the woman into a magnet to which men are attracted. Intrigued? It will try to figure out what actually allocates a mature and wise woman from the crowd.
1. It is not afraid to stay alone
Women who are not focused on men, and striving for self-realization and improving themselves, will never remain alone. They know that their future is only in their own hands. They are not afraid of change in life, because they know that they have enough strength to cope with them. Such women emit powerful energy, and men, of course, can not get around them.

2. She does not compromise
Such women do not like to adapt to other people's interests, because they do not need someone else's approval. Their uncompromising is manifested in all spheres of their lives. They, without regret, throw them the courses or unloved work, do not watch the films uninteresting them and do not read the books uninteresting them despite the fact that today they are in trend. These women respect themselves, and therefore are not found with men who do not appreciate them. They ruthlessly refuse everything that does not fit into their picture called "I want".

3. She is pleased with his appearance
Such women have no intrusive idea to redo their nose or increase their lips, they do not sit on diets and do not exacerbate themselves with training in gyms. Of course, they do not care about how they look. They monitor their health and care about their appearance. They simply do not seek to adapt to some generally accepted standards, but take themselves as they are.

4. She is committed to financial independence
Of course, they do not seek to earn all the money of the world, but they know the price perfectly. After all, financial independence gives them the most important luxury: control over their lives. They decide what to do and when. In some sense, financial independence is not even financial, but the philosophical state of a woman: the ability to just slow down and enjoy the moment.

5. She never compares anyone
Strong women never feel a feeling of envy. They are not measured with girlfriends, and even more so with men, their achievements, material position or status. The only one with whom they compare, so it's with you yesterday, that is, they evaluate their own achievements.

6. She does not accept inequality
For such women, the role of the content is completely unimaginable. They can only communicate on equal. Men they always perceive as a partner, not a benefactor. At the same time, their desire for equality is manifested in other areas of life. Such women never enchant in front of rich and authoritative people and, of course, do not allow themselves to rudeness towards waiters or cashiers in the store.