Lose weight at night: 6 ways to burn fat while you sleep

Getting rid of excess weight always requires an integrated approach. But you can lose weight in a dream. And it's not a joke.

Holidays went, it's time to lose weight. Moreover, last year with his quarantines and lockers, led to the fact that extra kilograms appeared practically everyone. Getting rid of excess weight always requires an integrated approach. It is necessary to revise the diet, add more movement, abandon the bad habits (for example, from calorie alcohol). But in addition to those who have become familiar approaches, there are little-known. For example, you can lose weight in a dream. And it's not a joke.

1. Sleeping mode

Science has long been studying the relationship between sleep disorders and overweight. The conclusions of scientists are unequivocal - people who have problems with sleep, chances to score overweight two times more than those who sleep as killed. However, sleep is little strong. He must also be on time. This means that I will have to go to bed until 23:00, in a dark cool room and remove your phone and other gadgets away. Doctors are confident that the normalization of sleep mode allows, without any extra effort to reset from 3 to 5 kilograms of fat. And all because your brain will rest in high quality and he will not have the need to stimulate its work with sugar and fat.

2. Cylolaria in SN

Quality sleep is also the activity of the body. We just think that at night nothing happens to us. In fact, a healthy and optimally functioning organism at night is actively engaged in the generation of new cells and recovery after a long day. All this needs strength. Because during the night, a person can spend up to 500 kilocalories. But such high costs are possible only if the sleep is deep and healthy. If you are constantly waking up, you also spend some kind of calorie, but even more you spend nerve cells. And it will not be possible to restore the forces.

3. Sleep and growth hormone

The hormonal system of a person is a huge mechanism that persistently responds to any changes in our lives. A significant part of the hormone necessary us is fully produced only at night, during sleep. One of these night "workers" is somatopin. This is a growth hormone, which is responsible for both bones and man's muscles. It depends on the quality of sleep. If sleep mode is upset and a person sleeps only a few hours a day, it will be extremely negatively affecting the production of somatropin. Especially his deficit is dangerous for children - they may not rise to that growth, which is laid in their genome. Bodybuilders and other professional athletes also recommend sleeping ten hours a day. After all, it is in the dream of somatopin builds their muscles.

4. Sleep and hump hormone

Another extremely important hormone-ghelin slimming. He is responsible for feeling hunger. If your body produces an increased amount of Gretin, you will want to eat even after a dense lunch. Just like Somatopin, this hormone is also tied to sleep. If you sleep a little, your brain goes into the hazard mode and produces Grelin so that the body makes the reserves necessary for survival. But the mechanism that helped him very much for primitive people does not benefit us. Ghrelin is one of the most capricious hormones. It is almost impossible to influence it with the help of medicines, so the sleep mode becomes even more important.

5. Reducing anxiety

By the way, about the hazard mode. Biologists and psychologists agree that overeating is one of the key signs of alarming disorder. In other words, if you eat too much, then the reason is in a constant feeling of anxiety. It can be reduced by antidepressants, but it will be only part of the treatment. Sleep mode is a very important element of the fight against anxiety disorder. If you manage to establish a healthy eight-hour sleep, you will be significantly less to suffer from anxiety, and as a result - there is less.

6. Eat at night with my mind

As for food for the night, it is not always harmful to weight loss. Of course, we are not talking about a frying pan of fried potatoes. But if you want to influence sleep so that, in turn, sleep, influenced the weight of weight, try to eat something that contains casein overnight. It can be cheese, cottage cheese or other dairy products. In childhood, parents did not in vain gave us a glass of warm milk before bed - casein triggers the restoration of the muscle and reduces the tension. So, a small useful snack will make your sleep even more useful.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: Slimming
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