We save the kid: products that can not be pregnant
There are a number of useful products that, unfortunately, can harm the future kid.

Everyone knows that pregnant women should not be abused coffee, and from alcohol and it is worth abandoning. But there are a number of useful products that, unfortunately, can harm the future kid. What food got into a black list for pregnant women, read in our review.
- Unpasteurized milk
Beware of milk that has not been thermal processing, as well as fermented dairy products and ice cream prepared from it. In the cheese milk may contain fatally dangerous bacteria of lettering bacteria. Always make a choice in favor of pasteurized milk.

- Raw eggs
Pashota eggs, glazing with raw yolk, home mayonnaise, tiramisu - such dishes can cause the development of acute intestinal infection called Salmonellosis. Fortunately, this is not fatal. But the disease is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, which can lead to severe dehydration of the body. Water deficit may turn into a miscarriage or serious violations in the development of the future kid.

- Insufficiently roasted meat
The steaks are "with blood", insufficiently prepared minced stuffing, as well as rich and dried sausages - under the strict ban for pregnant women. Such meat can be infected with toxoplasmas or other parasites. They can penetrate the placental barrier and lead to dangerous violations in the development of the child.

- Cheeses with mold
Camembert, brie, Gorgonhdzole and other cheeses with mold - the ideal environment for the development of useful, but also dangerous bacteria that can provoke miscarriages. The optimal option is to give preference to solid cheeses, like Cheddar and Parmesan. From soft cheeses, too, do not refuse if they are cooked from pasteurized milk.

- Caffeine products
During pregnancy, it is worth cutting away not only coffee, but also other caffean-containing products. Abuse chocolate, cocoa, coca-cola, black or green tea can also provoke miscarriage. The oversupply of caffeine in the future may cause low weight of the baby at birth. And this is a serious threat to his health in the future.

- Raw fish and seafood
Futive mothers stand on time to abandon their favorite sushi, any dried or smoked fish. Especially should be careful with river or wild ocean fish, molluscs. Such food can be infected with parasites, as well as pathogenic bacteria, causing hazardous poisoning, up to botulism. The flesh of ocean fish accumulates to mercury. The oversupply of this substance may cause brain damage to the fetus and delays in development.

- Liver
Chicken, pork, beef liver, liver pate, fish oil in capsules, cod liver - Vitamin A. References His oversight can lead to the development of innate defects in the future kid. Therefore, it is not necessary to abuse the liver products during pregnancy, especially if you for some reason are taking medicines with vitamin A.

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