Products accelerating metabolism

What would this eat to lose weight? Familiar situation? We collected 8 products - the most powerful metabolic stimulants.

What would this eat to lose weight? Familiar situation? We collected 8 products - the most powerful metabolic stimulants.

Pure water

Our body is 70 percent consists of water. This is a universal solvent - no biochemical response in the body does not do without it. Getting a sufficient amount of moisture, the body quickly absorbs food, producing energy. When we restrict water consumption, we artificially reduce the speed of metabolism. If you want to lose weight quickly, be sure to drink at least 7 glasses of pure water per day.

Food rich in fiber

To treat products with a high content of fiber, the body needs to additionally spend energy. Some types of tissue are not digested at all, forcing the digestive tract to work at full capacity. Thus, the appetite is normalized, the level of blood glucose stabilizes, and in the body a pleasant feeling of lightness.


Lemons, oranges, grapefruits contain minimal calorie. But the useful vitamins and minerals in them are plentiful, especially ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Among its main functions is the protection of cells from harmful exchange products, as well as maintaining the health of the connective tissue, that is, vessels and joints. Isn't it a guarantee of an active lifestyle?

Chile and Ginger Pepper

Capsaicin, which is part of sharp peppers, causes the body to consume more oxygen. And this, in turn, affects the speed of splitting of fat molecules. Gingersol, contained in the ginger, in its composition is relatives of capsaicin. He also causes the body to burn fats. Fresh ginger or ginger powder can be added not only in major dishes, but also in tea or simple water.

Lean meat and fish

Lean meat and fish contain the maximum amount of protein. The body is difficult to digest protein, for its splitting in the digestive tract, the maximum amount of energy is spent. After using a good portion of meat or fish, you longer feel yourself with a satisfy. In addition, pure protein is a source of essential amino acids necessary for the growth and strengthening of muscles. The more muscle tissue, the more energy the body consumes alone. So, the metabolism speed is also growing.

Tea and coffee

Caffeine contained in tea and coffee increases motor activity, stimulating excitation processes in nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. If these drinks are in hot or warm form, the metabolism speed will increase even more. However, do not need to abuse coffee or tea. No more than 3 cups per day.

Black chocolate

Everyone knows that chocolate with a high content of cocoa (at least 70 percent) helps to fight a bad mood. However, this product has another wonderful quality. Scientists found out that this product helps to normalize the sensitivity of cells to insulin. Due to this, the body is more efficiently processed by food into energy, instead of fat. Only 40 grams of black chocolate per day - and after a couple of weeks, your metabolism will noticeably accelerate.

Calcium rich foods

Milk leakage with low fat (but avoid completely skimmed products) are the best source of calcium. This mineral directly affects the operation of skeletal muscles and maintain the normal course of metabolism.

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