Recipes of home scrubies with sea salt

The benefits of sea salt is known for a long time. And the process of cooking scrubs at home is easy and quite fascinating.

The benefits of sea salt is known for a long time. It improves blood circulation, has cleansing and antibacterial properties, supports skin tone. With it, you can clean the pores, get rid of the gumons and even cellulite. Read in our review about the most efficient home scrubs, which include sea salt.

The process of cooking scrubs at home is easy and quite fascinated. It does not take much time. On average, you will need 5-7 minutes. The most pleasant thing is such a cosmetic ritual on efficiency is no less inferior to many salon procedures.

Below we collected recipes for simple home scrubics.But remember: You can always experiment a little to get the perfect composition.

Purifying for face

The scrub with sea salt perfectly cleans the pores, making the skin smooth and elastic. But do not forget that such a procedure is contraindicated to those who suffer from acne and other inflammatory processes on the skin. The ideal composition is a marine salt mix and honey in a ratio of one to three. To avoid possible allergies on the honey, before using the scrub, test it on a small area of ​​the skin.

Against black dots

To combat comaons, use such a simple composition: a tablespoon of sour cream or kefir, one teaspoon of food soda and a small sea salt. All components are carefully mixed. The resulting mixture should be applied to pre-cleaned skin and support 5-7 minutes. Such a scrub can be used not only for the face, but also the area of ​​decolte and back.


Mix the half of sea salt, half a range of sugar, 5-6 tablespoons of olive or coconut oil, 5 drops of orange oil. Intensively massage the resulting problem areas in the bottom upward direction. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the body with your favorite moisturizing lotion or nutritional cream.

Detox for scalp

You need only three simple ingredients: sea salt, lemon juice and olive oil. All components take in equal proportions. Union of sea salt with lemon juice is an effective exfoliating agent. They clean the skin of the head from the surplus of the skin, blocking the hair follicles. Olive oil, in turn, will give the skin moisturizing.

Toning for body

Want to cheer up a little and make the skin more elastic and shining? Try to experiment with such a composition: 150 g of olive oil, one glass of sea salt and crushed in a blender of a crystal of one lemon or grapefruit.


The combination of sea salt with lavender and coconut oil is a great tool for exfoliating dead skin cells. A similar effect on the skin has coffee beans, pre-climbing in a coffee grinder. Sea salt and coffee mix in equal proportions with olive or any other oil to the consistency of sour cream. The composition can also be enriched with beloved essential oil.

Heat peeling

Mix in equal proportions ground red and black pepper. Add a seaside salt into the rash mixture in the ratio one to two, pinch of cinnamon and 2 drops of orange oil. Such peeling creates a feeling of burning and tingling on the skin due to a sharp flow of blood. With it, you can get rid of cellulite and fat deposits.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: leather / sea salt / scrub
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