We fight with coronavirus: how to wear, remove and disinfect masks

About how to wash hands with soap, now knows everyone. And how to use masks? After all, here there are important rules, non-compliance with which can lead to deposits.

About how to wash hands with soap, now knows everyone. And how to use masks? After all, here there are important rules, non-compliance with which can lead to deposits.

Before putting the mask, wash your hands

Always strictly follow this rule. Remember: to touch the face with dirty hands it is impossible! After all, the risk to infect coronavirus is even when you wear a mask to protect against him. If there is no crane with water and soap nearby, use antiseptic for disinfection.

Check the mask

Check that the mask does not have any defects. If you use a medical mask, determine where it has the top, and where the bottom. From above, such masks have a flexible, bending edge. This function is needed in order for the mask perfectly repeated the shape of the nose. It is also important to also determine where the mask has an internal and outer side. The inside of medical masks is usually white. External possesses water-repellent properties (so that viruses and bacteria are harder to attach to the surface of the mask) and has a blue or turquoise color.

Make sure the mask fits tightly to the face

The mask must completely close the nose and fit tightly to the chin. If you feel that at the bottom or on the sides of the mask dangles and too much air does it through these places, try to tighten the mask at most. And do not forget: to touch the mask after you put it on your face, strictly prohibited.

Remove the mask correctly.

Remove the mask correctly - also needed with the mind. It is necessary to do it very carefully. The most important thing is not to touch your hands to the outside, because there are particles of viruses and microbes. You always need to start with the nape, carefully pushed the tip of the ear mask. After that, the mask must be put in the package and close tightly. Then it needs to be disposed of or wrapping. You also need to do the same with a scarf or a gang, if you use them to protect against the virus. Do not forget to wash your hands after these manipulations with soap.

Do not forget to erase reusable masks.

Wearing a mask follows no more than 2 hours. If she quickly became wet from cough - and less. Medical masks to wash or iron it is impossible. If you use a tissue mask, erase it after each use. Do it in the most hot water. You can use the washing machine. When the mask is driving, it is possible to go with an iron or a steamer. But this method must be used as an extra, after washing. If you have time to cut, you can thoroughly treat the surface of the mask with an antiseptic. In this case, it is necessary to wait for the mask to dry and not wet.

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