What is MUNG and how it affects the attractiveness of your face

Do you dream to pull oval faces without resorting to the help of a plastic surgeon? Mueng technique will help you solve the problem.

Dreamly applied faces, without resorting to the help of the Help Surgeon? Muinggging technique to allow you to solve the problem. You are a diverse imagine how genius it is. On how to deceive nature, it is also to look 100% for all, read in our review.

Muing is not the same as Facebilding. This is a technique developed by Dr. Mike Muj for the correction of bite. However, during the practice, the doctor noticed something very interesting. Regular exercise helps an effective face suspension: oval becomes clearer, and the cheeks are expressive. Over time, the face becomes so attractive as if you were in the hands of a professional makeup artist or plastic surgeon.

Muding technique does not require special skills or helping specialists. It consists of only one exercise - pressing the tongue to a solid sky. Dr. Mudeng is confident that most of the modern people are incorrectly "held" his mouth. And as a result, incorrectly swallowed, exactly as small children. From this face is too fast.

To generate an "adult" type of swallowing, it is necessary to create a negative pressure in the mouth. For this, the language from the root to the tip is pressed against the upper sky, practically glued to it. When you shut up, the teeth remain closed, and the language moves the wave across the sky.

Check: if you are uncomfortable to swallow in this position, your type of swallowing refers to the "Children's". In this case, your teeth are open, and the language rests in the upper or lower cutters. When you shut up, your muscles, cheeks and chin are starting to work at the same time. The daily chaotic reduction in these muscles becomes the reason for the "floated" oval, sagging and finished cheeks, bags under the eyes.

If you watch people with well-drawn cheekbones and a clear oval of the face, you will notice that when the muscles of the face, they preserve immobility. All the work performs exclusively language: from the tip to the deepest muscles. Lips and cheeks are practically not involved.

Muding technique benefits only when a person regularly monitors the right position of the language in the mouth. For ease, remember that the tip of your language in calm state should always be in position, like the one when the Spaniards utter the sound. At the same time, do not forget about the foundation of the language. It should also be necessarily raised and pressed to a solid sky. If you can't immediately master this technique, try pressing the tongue to begin to start and smile widely, as if you say the word Cheese. Over time, you will start performing this exercise on the machine. And soon it will go into the habit.

Categories: Beauty / Fashion
Tags: Muyung
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