8 negative consequences of intensive training
If you are engaged in sports longer than 1 hour a day, 5 times and more a week, it is worth thinking seriously.
Nidle whom it is no secret that regular sports sports is the key to longevity. However, everything needs to be aware. Doctors are convinced that ultra-influencenets are no less dangerous for health than the complete absence of physical log. If you are engaged in sports for 1 hour a day, 5 times and more impeded, it is necessary to think seriously.
Chitatayev our review about how intense, physical self-ruling can lead to what negative presets.
Long-term and frequencies can cause a prolonged level of cortisola-so-called, stress hormone. Thanks to cortisol, the brain learns that the body is experiencing permanent loads and stress. In order to somehow to force the problem, the brain goes to Earth: Let the man gets sickly in the sofa instead of being syndicating himself, along the passage of stress and depression.
Developed by chronic fatigue
The exhausting is also leading to depletion of visops, which correspond to the cormonal regulation of the organism. The intensive synthesis of adrenaline and cortisola perceptions leads to the overeating of other hormones, which is necessary. Those who develop syndromhronic fatigue are complaining of outdoor appetite and sleep, permanentness and problems with libido.
Appearing weight
Hormonalism inevitably becomes caused by weight surges. Chesives, to its excess. The most hijacked, sensitive level of cortisol is guaranteed to explore the fat in the waist area of the waist.
Problems of intestine
The intensive measurements often lead to the thinning of the intestinal shell. As follows, toxins are unhindered to fall into the blood. In the future, this may cause inflammatory organs and crystalism syndrome.
Traverse and joints
Obviously, a person who is regularly involved in the risk of getting unlightening or injured. But there are other consequences comparable to underwater stones. All the same hormone cortisol with durability is significantly worsened by bones and joints. As a result, the development of arthritis and osteoporosis, and even the loss even loss is configured.
Violated in women
Hormonalness inevitably lead to a failure-to-cod cycle. Able to Berenet for women dramatically decreases.
Problems Cardiovascular System
The fanatical erection in the gym leads to the curtalote changes in the normomy-vascular system. In the first one, the heart suffers: developing and thickening valves, calciosis arteries and other no less resolutions.
Depression insomnia
The ill-fated hormone cortisol, to all of the time, blocks the production of melatonin (sleep hormone) and serotonin (hormone of happiness). As a result, man becomes difficult to fall asleep. And in the consequence, he develops depression.