7 rules of the zozh, which, in fact, do not work

Every year more and more adherents of a healthy lifestyle appear. And that's fine! However, while the zozh gained momentum, a considerable number of legends and myths associated with healthy diet, sleep regimen and sports workouts appeared in society. We tell what the rules of the call, in reality, do not work.

Just a year, all the Bolshevniers of a healthy lifestyle appear. And it is beautiful! However, as long as the head is typotorous, there has been a few and alarmity of the legends and myths, associated with healthy diet, a sleep mode by spoilable workouts. We tell what the rules of the call, in reality, do not work.

Drink 2 liters of water daily

The calculated number of consumers per day is quite simple: 30 ml of a kilogram of weight. It is clear that for each person this figure will be raised. At the same time, it is also necessary to take into account air and weather conditions. If you are actively engaged in sports, this figure will also increase.

Sleep on 8 hours a day

Shamelessly sleeps, his body is gaining and restored. However, everyiandide needs different times for the development of these processes. On average, this gap is from 6 to 8 hours. Although there are such unicumes, which sufficiently 3 hours, to feel vague throughout the day.

Jog in the mornings

There are practically in love: in the morning, the afternoon, in the morning. Therefore, if you do not have to flash yourself to go out in the morning on a jog, do not torment yourself in vain. By the way, it is advisable to breakfast in a busy jog, you may have guils, dizziness and nausea.

Refuse torment

If you do not have medical contraindications, you should not refuse from bread. Allowed to give preference to whole grain flour products. They are a convertible source of fiber of Ivitamins of Group V.

Follow the same time

If not hungry, it is not worth violent, because the time came up. The priority of the head is there when you feel hunger. Listen to a prisoner. He is definitely the best creator for you.

Peitina "Useful" Sweets

It does not completely refuse to acclaim. Simply reduce the comprehensible sugar: Drink Tealess tea, natural yogurt of non-places. But with dried fruits, the orthodiers "useful" sweets are maternally. For example, the syrup of agaves or Kokosovy sugar is practically tactics, as well as the usual, refined ishar.

Clearness after each meal

Optimally, brushing your teeth twice a day: in the morning and before bedtime. If you do it more often, the dental enamel will be faster. It is possible that problems with the bleeding gum will also appear.

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