Pride of France: the 7 most famous cheeses

Solid or soft, weathered or young, with mold or thick, fragrant crust - French cheeses are not like each other. Among them will definitely have such a taste even to the most demanding gourmet.

Solid soft, weathered or young, with mold or thick, fragrant, french cheeses are not like each other. The foresight will definitely have such a taste of even self-sensitive gourmet. Agree?


This isode from the most consumed in the world of cheeses. Soft, solid crust shred and possessing a very specific smell. Often, Camembert can be able to with some additives: nuts, spicy herbs or truffles. It is glimpse with red wine or sidr. The history of this cheese began in the distance in 1791, when the priest's priestly persecuted by revolutionary gratitude shared with the locals of the city of Camamber in the secret of the manufacture of improper cheese. Who would have thought that after a couple of century, this cheese was stinking from the main symbols of France?


Emmanal-universal product in cooking. It is added to unsweetened pies, lasagne, casserole and various soups. Moreover, there is a French, so the Isleiper version of this cheese. And both with holes. By the way, scientists have only recently, where they come from. Gases are to blame for everything that distinguish partially falling into the milk in the process of milking cows.


Kantal-peer of Jesus. This cheese has been over 2,000 years old. Produce it in the province. Due to the local harsh climate and the cool winter (which is completely unaccustomed to France), the cheese is made in the form of a circle a very solid size. Some aspects can reach 40 kg.


Brie is one of the most famous soft cheeses in the world. Produce it in the regional itephrance of the same name. In the past times, their coins were minted here and spent large-scale chairs. The unconditional favorite of the fairs was the famous BR - the best cheese of local production.


Appetitiousimolet is done in the north of France, in the city of Lille. In fact, the mime is aimit of Dutch cheese Edam. But, accommodation from the latter, has a rich orange color, resulting by the gradation of the powder from the grains of tropical shrub Annato. A young mime is quite soft, but with a chosen hard and becomes brittle.

Bush de Shevr.

The famous Bush de Shevr is produced in the Loire Valley since the end of the VIII century. According to tradition, goat milk. Cheese has a gentle, cream structure. One of the elevated ingredients bush de Chevra is a whisper of the ashes, which gives cheese-edged and slightly spicy taste.


Roquefort is one of the oldest cheeses of France. Traditionally, it is made only from sheep milk. Plus - a special kind of Penicillium roqueforti mold. The French have one entertaining legend that reveals the history of this cheese. One day one ardent shepherd, instead of grazing sheep, who preferred to worship behind women, forgot his lunch in the grotto. Returning from the next date, he discovered instead of cottage cheese, moldy cheese, who became incredibly failed to taste.

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