9 tips how not to recover in winter
Save the form and minimize the risks to recover this winter will help you with these 10 simple techniques.

FestiveSastoles, hiking in a restaurant and guests, a refrigerator, stuffed to the top delicious food, at such moments it is very difficult to control yourself and not to dial the ninesilograms. Save the shape and minimize the risks to recover this winter, these 9 simple techniques vampo.
Wash out
If you don't need to go to work, it does not mean that you need to sit until the morning, absorb the next series or a book. It is known that there is an imbalance of certain hormones that are responsible for feeling and saturation of food. I did not sleep a person difficult to control myapply. Therefore, he is inclined to overeat.

Do not forget about breakfast
Non-launch breakfast. It must be satisfying and nutritious. The afternoon breakfast you will not want to eat anything harmful and calorie.

Eat more fiber
The fiber is extremely useful for health. In addition, she quickly saturates the body of the energy gives a feeling of satiety. Instead of the usual "Olivier", "fur coats", mashed potatoes and a kitlet, run on salads from green leaf greenery and fresh vegetables.

Prefer protein food
Belk smelings, like fiber, a sense of satiety is left for a long time. It is better to offer meat dishes, not sweets and desserts. Vegetarianianalternative - dishes from legumes, salads from the cinema and seeds of Chia.

Refuse refined sugar
It is almost impossible to refuse a delicious cake or a piece of cake. Yes, it is unnecessary. After all, it is necessary and pamping once. Just do not overeat - a sealer piece. But about tea or coffee with sugar, sweet cocktails and juices better forgotten.

Drink less alcohol
Alcohol- enough calorie drink. In addition, it reduces your ability to control your appetite.

Use small plates
Use it a little trick and deceive your body. There are more on small plates. Consequently, to impose an additive to you, hardly if you want.

Turn off the TV or laptop
Distracting favorite series or cinema, so easily lose control of the fact that the main thing is how much you eat.

Move more
In winter, it is difficult to force yourself to go to the gym. But there is always an alternative. For example, a trip with friends for a rink or ski slide. Long walk through the park, and even in winter clothes, it will help to burn you extra calories.