7 reasons why men meet with alone women, and marry others

Probably, each of you have such a friend who, after breaking a long relationship, made an offer, almost the first oncoming girl. Why do men come so? Are they waiting for some special woman? Or the reason lies completely in the other?

Probably, each of you have such a friend who, after breaking the long relations, made an offer, almost the first oncoming girl. Why do men come? Are they waiting for some specialist? Or the reason lies quite suddenly? Let's try to understand.

Walked out, as you know, the dream of many women. And here men are unlikely, dream of marriage. All these cooking on the wedding, going to the registry office, stamp in the passport. So much turmoil unnecessary problems. If all is satisfied with the Yiezhenshchina herself is in no hurry to associate marriage to themselves, why change everything?

Cardinal ability when a woman, on the contrary, too actively pushing the satellite to marriage. The man is noted that it requires a ladder in a passport. Permanent sensible leash with a time of stannotnosimy.

Daezhevneshna Brutal and self-sufficient parliament, listens to the advice of mint. Therefore, if you, by how to topprints, did not like his family or creatantly mom, he can seriously add and endure the vasis of the list of potential wives.

Enesally you love him insanely, the clever of Ikrasavitsa, but he is at the moment not ready for marriage (there is no decent work, cars, at home), you have to wait. Of course, some men under pressure from society, families and parents can change leads. But will it be so stammer?

It happens that a man knows that he is not ready for a pen, or has not yet met that the most, to naughty alone for him. Then he finds for himself a modest, unpretentious girlfriend, which years will take him to concessions, not arranging the magnificent scandals. Such a "convenientness" for him is just a sparewall and nothing more.

Civil Bracis also reduces your chances of going to the registry office. And it is not surprising. You are living, sleep together, lead the generality. Everything works fine. PastASika, if a man does not make it worth it with his beltenious two years, then the probability event is sharply reduced.

But it's strange when a man is selected for marriage, he does not look at her first appearance. On the contrary, the girls are embarrassed by the priority. It is selfish, but in the joint most men want to play the first violin. Bright and independent suites are suitable for nice, but not for marriage.

Categories: Relationship
Tags: love
By: liz-szabo
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