10 interesting home burgers recipes

We have collected 10 delicious recipes for the preparation of burgers: with a tomboy pork, lamb, fried chanterelles, salmon and even with a lentils cutlet. You just have to choose your favorite recipe!

Thousands of appetizing recipes of cooking meters were thought: with a tomlard pork, lamb, fried foxes, salmon and even a lentil's scotch. You stay all right to choose a prestiturate!

Burger with tuna and salad Cole-Slow

Staiktuna is no less nutritious than a switcher from pork. Gourmets and lovers are unusual, running in the store in Catunin. This burger is obligatory to see!

Бургер с тунцом и салатом коул-слоу | 10 интересных рецептов домашних бургеров | Her Beauty

Burger with Tomlar SkinOh

This is a thorometric pork - exemplary preparation of burgers .Ideal for any party.

Бургер с томленой свинины | 10 интересных рецептов домашних бургеров | Her Beauty

Spicy Hawaiian Burger

Burgers Beef Cotelet, Swiss Cheese, Pineapple and Spicy Sauce ... You can't pass at random words like an etovsko.

Пикантный гавайский бургер | 10 интересных рецептов домашних бургеров | Her Beauty

Burger with a cinema cutlet

An ideal order for those who do not eat meat or captain for their figure. It can be even more "healthy", if the movie does not fry, and the bake of Duhovka. A bun can also be replaced by whole grain bread or loaf.

Бургер с котлетой из киноа | 10 интересных рецептов домашних бургеров | Her Beauty

"Crazy Burger" with mustard and tobasco sauce

This it was participating in the competition for the Bestburger in London. And his author is the famous chief chef Jamie Oliver.jay, bad will not advise. Doodle Burger is impressive from the firstower.

 «Сумасшедший бургер» с горчицей и соусом Табаско | 10 интересных рецептов домашних бургеров | Her Beauty

Vegetarian Burger with Lentil Cutlet

Fitube Food and Vegetarians will surely charge this burger with a lentil cutlet. It will be suitable for the cooking: Green, Red. It turns out to be delicious.

Вегетарианский бургер с котлетой из чечевицы | 10 интересных рецептов домашних бургеров | Her Beauty

Burger "Silence of Lambs"

Of course, you guessed why the "silence". Lamb Cutlet Plus Tomatoes, Kinza and Suluguni. Feel like salvykipotki?

Бургер «Молчание ягнят» | 10 интересных рецептов домашних бургеров | Her Beauty

FishBurger with salmon hamlet and dzodzyk sauce

Wischers have a lot of fans. Fishburgers are tasty with salmon. Just the divine taste. Commitment to cook it at home.

Фишбургер с котлетой из лосося и соусом дзадзыки | 10 интересных рецептов домашних бургеров | Her Beauty

Moroccan burger with lamb and spices

Moroccankuchnya is a real firework of flavors, tastes and textures. Do not be surprised, the records of this recipe and fragrant are torn. They are all magic. And it is really.

Марокканский бургер с бараниной и специями | 10 интересных рецептов домашних бургеров | Her Beauty

Burger with chanterelles and gorgonzole

Aromatic fried chanterelles with gorgonisol and pickled cucumbers - just an incredible combination. It is worth trying only once - and you will become a slave of this burger for many years.

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