10 Lyfhakov who will turn you into a guru cooking

These useful tricks will help you save time in the kitchen: make it easy and speed up the cooking process, and the taste of the dishes themselves will still be unique.

The etipole tricks will help you save the extension in the kitchen: make it easier and accelerated cooking, and the taste of themselves are still unique.

To the moloko did not convince, it is enough to put on top of a sceneled wooden spoon or an ordinary band. The resulting foam, casalescap, will descend down.

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They molded that the bacon restaurants were always hardened. He is not overwhelmed, not tough and not raw at the ends.Secret prioritySuchBaconaSimple: instead of frying pan uses.

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We argue, you more than once asked for a question: where we have restaurants and barsCrystal Cubes Ice? After all, they always get mudy even white. The cunning of the bulge: before freezing the water, boil it. You can even twice.

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If it did not turn out the molds of the forces, do not be discouraged. Retained parchment paper. You'll getAlloriginal cupcakes: Everyone will have their own, unique form. Plus - then you will not need to do it.

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ToQuickly Clear Corn Cobs, Use the cake baking shape with a hole inside (it is intended that the heavy dough is uniform). Insert the Kochan into this submission and the knife remove the grains.

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Invisions like cooling alcoholic beams of ice cubes. Ice melts, dilutate and affects his taste. It is especially true. In this case, it is better to usefrozen grapes. They will not only decorate, but also excellent drink.

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Tocutting on perfectly smooth pieces, instead of a knife, use a tooth thread. Only, of course, without any fragrances. This trick can be applied to softness.

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Idealpirog. - Each hostess and host. But nothing spoils the impression of the cake as non-accurant, slightly burdens. Beautiful, curly fiery can be obtained using conventional pinsman meat, corkscrew, teaspoon and even even.

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Overcome hot dishes heatingplates. For cold, on the contrary, cool. So food will retain the optimal and rich taste longer.

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Often for cooking sandwiches or baking needSoftened butter oil. But what to do if you forgot to pull it out in advance from the refrigerator. You can correct the situation using a conventional glass glade. Put it for a couple of seconds in the microwave or heat under the jet of hot, running water. Then cover the pieces of oil with a glass and wait a couple of minutes.

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He played Joey Emerson on "Roc". See Rocky Carroll now at 59 years old.
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