See the boys of the "Charlie Bit my finger" video now as teenagers

The 14-year-old viral success will be removed YouTube after accumulating nearly 900 million views.

Viral videos can come from cultural consciousness, but few have been also integrated into pop culture than "Charlie bit my finger. "The clip of 55 seconds from another one yearCharlie Davies-Carr and his brother three years of three yearsHarry Davies-Carr has accumulated nearly 900 million views and generated countless parodies since their father posted him for the first time in 2007. Now, the boys who played in the video are in their adolescence and the video that helped Make them internet icons is planned to get off YouTube forever. Read it to see what boys look like "Charlie bit my finger" video as now and what are their plans for their famous images.

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The brothers of viral video sell their famous clips like NFT.

Harry Davies-Carr, Howard Davies-Carr, and Charlie Davies-Carr appearing on CNBC

During an interview with CNBC on May 20, the viral video brothers explained that they had planned to bid the video as a non-fungible token (NFT). Charlie, who is now 15 years old and has since exceeded his elder brother, explained why the family hasdecided to sell The small piece of internet history and remove it from YouTube.

"I think when it was set up on YouTube, it was ... What, 14 years ago?" And YouTube was the new thing. But now, the internet has evolved, and NFT became the New thing, then I think that's why that's why we decided to put it on sale and auction, so we have it on the blockchain, "he explained.

The famous video sold for $ 760,999 to an anonymous buyer at auction.

Harry Davies-Carr and Charlie Davies-Carr as children in the Charlie Bit My Finger viral video

The popularity of the video clip contributed to Harry's family and Charlie Net serious money over the years. Thanks to advertising tenders, goods sales and other commercial relations, the Davies-Carr family has gained hundreds ofThousands of dollarseven help them move to a larger house,Wall Street newspaper reports.

But the biggest fall of money arrived on May 23, when the family sold the video for $ 760,999 during his edityOnline auction. While the clip can always be consulted and downloaded for now, the original will soon beDeleted from YouTube. The anonymous owner also has the right to produce more content around the video, including "the possibility of creating their own parody of the video featuring the original stars, Harry and Charlie."

So what does the family do with the funds? "It means Harry goes to university and has a nice place to stay and must not have to have a bar job"Howard Davies-Carr, the father of boys and cameraman behind the video clip told CBS News'Ian Lee.

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The boys recreated the video during COVID lock in 2020.

Charlie Davies-Carr and Harry Davies-Carr remaking their viral video

Harry, now 17, admits that the clip did not do exactly one-listers in class. When we asked for CNBC if the viral moment had made the brothers the publication of their city, he admitted: "I would not say [we would say only famous celebrities among the friends of the school. It is More exciting for a few weeks, then it's a bit in the background. "

But the boys have not spread too far from kissing their viral reputation: during the U.K Covid-19 rental. In 2020, Harry and Charlie agreed to team uprecreate their viral moment For the band. In the clip, Harry explains that the two recently exchanged bites for the formation of martial arts, which they practice together.

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Charlie now houses his own drive game channel.

Charlie Davis-Carr streaming on his Twitch channel
Twitch / charliebitmegaming

In addition to their 55 seconds of viral renown, Davies-Carr Boys found other ways to stay active online as they get older. During the quarantine, Charlie told the ability he had takenVideo games and streaming. It now houses its own channel on Twitch, which has nearly 2,000 subscribers.

But fortunately, while they sometimes kiss the clip that made them famous, teens do not seem to wife in their Stardom. According to their father, it was still part of the plan, telling ABC news in an interview with 2012: "When the boys arrived at 18, I would like them to think and think," Okay, I have something in my life that is more than I was when I did the ' Charlie bit me ' video.'"

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