10 greatest writers in history
These great women turned the world, a progress of the well-established opinion that only men can write serious books. Jane Osten, George Sand, Agatha Christie, Daphne de Murie. And who is your favorite writer?

These great women turned the world, a progress of the well-established opinion that only men can write serious books. Jane Osten, George Sand, Agatha Christie, Daphne de Murie. And who is your favorite writer?
Jane Austen
Main works: "Pride and warning", "Mind and feelings", "Emma"
Jane began his first works to write at a rather young age. Already then she perfectly worked hard to make fun of the closer and invariance of his contemporaries. Her main characters, despite the already the patriarchalness in society, always independent and the strong spirit of the woman. By the way, the writer itself died unmarried that there was a big rarity for the ladies of her position.
Emily Bronte.
Main works: "Wuthering Heights"
Emily Bronte died at thirty years from a vehicle consumers. For her short life, she managed to write just one major work. But what! And to this day"Wuthering Heights" Call the standard of romanticism in the literature.
Charlotte Bronte
Main works: "Jane Eyre"
The main heroine of his main novel Charlotte Bronte wrote from himself. The purposeful, strong spirit, freedom-loving Jane Eyre was her exact copy. Literary talent allowed Bronte early to gain financial independence, which was truly inquiry for the mid-19th century. Many modern feminists call the writer with their idols and an imitation object.
Mary Shelly
Main works: "Frankenstein or Modern Prometheus"
Mary Shelly is called the founder of the genre of science fiction. According to the legend, the plot of the novel about a strange scientist, reviving the dead creature, came to her in a dream. Based on ItFrankenstein Made a huge number of theatrical performances, musicals and film exams.
Georges Sand.
Main works: Consuelo, "Indiana"
The freedom-loving baroness, the greatness of the King of Poland Augustus Aurora Dupin, known to the world under the pseudonym George Sand, was extremely extraordinary person. She was in many ways ahead of her time. Aurora became the first woman who was professionally engaged in literature and receiving money for his work. Instead of lush dresses, she preferred to wear men's suits. I smoked a lot in public, I changed lovers without shame and was engaged in politics that for her contemporaries was completely unthinkable audacity.
Agatha Christie
Main works: "Murder in" Eastern Express "," Death on Nile "
The creator of charming Miss Marple and the famous Erkulya Poiro's detective Kristy - one of the most weighty figures in such a literary genre as a detective. Surprisingly, the helica cruises of their works writer invented, engaged in banal domestic affairs: cleaning, washing, knitting. How did she succeed?
Virginia Wulf.
Main works: "Orlando", "Mrs. Dallowway", "On the Lighthouse"
Incruitable pacifist, feminist and brilliant writer Virginia Wolfe suffered all his life from severe mental disorder. But it did not prevent her from becoming one of the main figures of the modernist literature of the beginning of the twentieth century.
Margaret Mitchell
Main works: "Gone With the Wind"
The only novel, written Margaret Mitchell, made it a truly famous writer. Funny, but Margaret never dreamed of writing career. For many years she worked as a reporter in one of the local newspapers Atlanta. After receiving an ankle injury, she had to quit his office. It was then that she began to write a novel "Gone by the Wind" from boredom.
Daphne de Make
Main works: "Rebecca", "Birds", "My Kuzina Rachel"
Daphne de Murray is a real master of sophisticated psychological novels. In this genre, she has no equal. Based on her works, Alfred Hitchcock took off his religious films."Rebecca" and"Birds", and Nicholas Round - a crook-mystical thriller"And now do not look".
Francoise Sagan.
Main works: "Hello, sadness", "a vague smile", "Do you love Brahms?"
Scandalous Roman"Hello, sadness" It was published when the writer was only 18 years old. The obscenely frank, describing the personal life of a young girl in detail in detail - the novel produced a real furyor in society. For his work, Francoise received the fabulous fees, which she, like the heroines of her books, immediately descended to entertainment. Francoise loved to live fun and beautifully.

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