Top 10 products that can not eat for breakfast
What do you prefer to eat for breakfast? Muesli? Granola? Useful energy bars? Oakhovaya paste with whole grain bread?

What do you prefer to eat for breakfast? Muesli? Granola? Useful energy bars? Oakhovaya paste with whole grain bread? We will disappoint you, but this is not the best options for a comfortable breakfast. And that's why:
Muesli and Granola
Porridge from whole oatmeal is really good for health. The right carbohydrates in its composition are slowly digested and saturated with energy to the dinner itself. The benefits of popular Muesli, the Granolas, Fast Creating Flakes is very dubious. These are easy products. In addition to problems with digestion and overweight, they will no longer bring anything to your body.
Fragrant croissants or magnificent buns with a cup of freshly brewed coffee - the perfect option for the beginning of the day. But you should not deceive yourself. Such breakfast contains a large amount of calories and a high glycemic index. He will not saturate you with energy for a long time and does not give the vigor, as they show in advertising.
Chocolate or so popular energy bars are able to quickly quench the hunger. But he will also quickly return to you in a few minutes. And it also wants doubly stronger.
A sausage sandwich
The traditional breakfast for our latitude in the form of a sandwich with sausage is also not the most useful breakfast option. White bread contains a large number of rapid carbohydrates, sausage - harmful fats. Most likely, such a breakfast will go straight into fat deposits, and does not saturate energy.
Fast food
Everyone knows about the dangers of Fastfud. Nevertheless, many continue to use hamburgers with Potato Fri. Such a habit in the future will inevitably lead to the failure of metabolism and extra weight setting.
Fast breakfasts
All sorts of chocolate or dairy sweet balls seduce many speeds of their cooking. But if you care about the health and beauty of your body, it is better to abandon them at all, if you do not want problems with impaired metabolic disorders, stomach, intestines and obesity.
Melted cheese
Many believe that melted cheese unlike Fastfud, for example, is useful. But it is not. First, the melted cheese is a very high calorie product consisting almost completely out of fats. If you take care of your figure, this product is exactly banned. Secondly, most raws that are sold in stores contain a huge amount of harmful additives and salts. Children, allergies and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal gastrointestinal ries are accurately contraindicated.
Curd cheese
Alas, sweet curd cheese have nothing to do with ordinary cottage cheese, which is really useful for health. As a rule, they consist of harmful hydrolylized oils, sugar, taste additives and preservatives.
Juices from packs
Even fresh juices are not the best addition to breakfast. A large amount of organic acids contained in juice, because it causes irritation of the gastric mucosa. The benefits of packaged juices and speech can not be. Sugar, preservatives, taste additives - will definitely do not benefit your body.
Chocolate and nut paste
Chocolate or nut paste is a high-calorie product containing a large number of fast carbohydrates. Not the best choice for breakfast ... In addition, most of these pastes do not have in their composition of nuts and chocolate. Basically, this is a combination of harmful hydrolyzed vegetable oils: palm or coconut, cocoa butter, sugar and lecithin.

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