Requirement consumption: 10 important rules

Conscious consumption today is one of the most important topics in the media space. What is it? Banal savings or a weighted approach to life? And what is the benefit? To begin with, let's determine what includes conscious consumption.

Conscious consumption today is one of the most important topics in the media space. What is it? Banal savings or a weighted approach to life? And what is the benefit? To begin with, let's determine what includes conscious consumption. Here are 10 important rules.

Any purchase should not satisfy your momentary whim or emotional hunger. Before you buy something, think though, why do you need this thing. How will she affect your health? What will happen to her in the long run? If the first thing that comes to mind is: "The farm is useful", "it is fashionable" or something else in this spirit, it is better to immediately refuse to buy.

Stop spend money on clothing in pursuit of fashion and trends. By and large, all this is a huge soap bubble bloated by marketers. "Fast Fashion" when trends in the mass market are replaced by several times per season, respectively costs nature. For example, on the production of just one T-shirt is 2,700 liters of water! And this, not to mention the various harmful substances used in the production and polluting environment.

Instead of two cheap and, most likely, low-quality goods, the ray to purchase one, but a high-quality thing that will serve you not one season. In the long run, this is a much more profitable contribution. But be careful. Marketers do not sleep and expensive thing - not always synonymous quality.

Do not throw out the things that boring you. Maybe they look like your friends. There is also a lot of charitable stores. Many cities have the items of admission to the Red Cross charitable organization.

Watch your health and prefer healthy products. This is not so difficult. The main thing here is to change your habits. Going to the store, do not seek to empty all the store shelves to slow down the refrigerator ahead. Half of them simply do not live up to the moment you want to eat them. Soberly appreciate your appetite and buy the most necessary.

Do not rush to throw out products. Pay attention to the color and smell. Nearby products can be quite edible even after the expiration date. In addition, products can be exchanged and share. For example, Foodshering points are popular in major cities. Usually they are installed near various bakeries, cafes and eateries. There you can leave products that soon the shelf life comes.

Do not buy plastic bags. If you believe scientists, the world ocean will soon be filled with fish, but plastic. Prefer fabric bags. Or accounts today they are very popular among young people.

Sort the garbage at home at work. It is not so difficult. Even if there are no containers nearby for separate garbage collection, you can always find in the city of redemming items. For batteries and other hazardous waste, also look for special reception items.

It will not be superfluous to think about how you spend electricity and water. You may need to purchase energy-saving light bulbs and water-saving nozzles for shower and crane.

Do not use in vain technics. Always remove charging out of the outlet. Do not leave a computer or laptop in sleep mode. Fill out completely washing and dishwashers. At first glance, it seems trifle. But on the scale of the planet is a huge benefit.

Categories: Lifestyle
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