Top 10 autumn recipes with pumpkin

Pumpkin is a unique storehouse of vitamins and trace elements necessary for human health! Among other vegetables, it is a record holder in the content of vitamin E, which is known to prevent the organism aging. Want to look healthy and beautiful? Then, atten, turn on the pumpkin into your diet.

Bright pumpkin dishes look incredibly beautiful and appetizing. But beauty is far from the main merit. Pumpkin is a unique storehouse of vitamins and trace elements necessary for human health! Among other vegetables, it is a record holder in the content of vitamin E, which is known to prevent the organism aging. Want to look healthy and beautiful? Then, atten, turn on the pumpkin in your diet. And here to help you a selection of unusual and delicious recipes!

Pumpkin soup with peanut paste
Raw pumpkin soup with peanut paste and ginger will warm anyone in the autumn weather. And what is his stunning fragrance! You can't even imagine.

Spicy pumpkin latte
Spicy pumpkin latte has long been an autumn super hit in Starbucks. We offer to enjoy this wonderful drink right at home!

Hummus with pumpkin
The perfect option for those who seems boring classic version of the hummus. Sweetish, bronze-orange paste can easily conquer your taste receptors.

Asian soup with pumpkin and broccoli
Rich, burning sharp, with a bright and rich taste - this dish with ease will help you decorate the gray autumn weekdays. What is needed for fans of experiments!

Pumpkin with smoked bacon and spicy herbs
Baked pumpkin and smoked bacon - created for each other! If you add spicy herbs to this duet ... just an unreal combination of flavors.

Pumpkin Orange Juice Soup
Such soup does not require a lot of effort and costs. But his taste will certainly charm. You can safely combine this dish with sharp crackers, roasted nuts or something more exotic. For example, with a slice of smoked salmon.

Pumpkin pancakes
Pancakes are appropriate at any time of the year: both in winter, and in summer, and, of course, in the fall. In the season of pumpkins, just sin can not bake such a miracle. Minimum costs - maximum pleasure!

Pumpkin smoothie with dates and banana
Pumpkin is perfectly combined with many vegetables and fruits. You can endlessly experiment with tastes. In our opinion, very unusual, tasty and nutritious is a pumpkin smoothie with the addition of banana and dates.

Oatmeal Cookies
Fragrant oatmeal cookies is just the case when and tasty, and useful. Be sure even your fitness coach will approve this delicious dessert.

Pumpkin and Banana Ice Cream
Ice cream without a drop of milk or cream is just a miracle. It has few calories, and prepare easier simple. And it turns out very tasty!

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