Newborns do not know anything? 6 unusual facts about babies

Newborn children look completely helpless. But this impression is deceptive.

Newborn children look completely helpless. But this impression is deceptive. Hardly appearing on the light, the children already have a decent margin of knowledge, even though it seems something incredible. Read in our review about what amazing skills can boast people literally from the first minutes of birth.

1. Know the smell of the mother

Babies are well distinguished by the smell of mom from the smell of other women. Scientists conducted a lot of experiments and found out that newborn children always turn the head on the side of the cot, where they hang a scarf, in contact with their mother's body. At the same time, they do not react to sterile things and those belong to foreign women.

2. Learn the face of mom in a couple of hours after birth

Literally a couple of hours after birth, the babies are able to recognize the face of the mother and distinguish it from "strangers." For a few days, breast children study the skill to recognize her emotions, watching the facial expression. A little longer (about three months) the kid spends to learn how to identify the faces of other members of his family ...

3. "recognize" the taste of milk

Scientists argue that children get acquainted with the culinary preferences of the mother long before birth. How do they get it? There is an opinion that the tastes "fall" into the oily water, which the child swallows, being in the womb. When the kid for the first time tries Mother's milk, he is already familiar with his taste. If he is another, the baby can give up his chest. Most likely, such a strategy helps newborns to defend themselves from potentially hazardous food.

4. Familiar with mom's voice even before birth

Previously, it was the opinion that the breastings are badly heard due to the sulfuric lubricants of hearing aisters. Today, scientists have proven that the embryo registers acoustic signs in the womb. Immediately after birth, the baby is enough just one syllable to determine the voice of the mother. And this is the only sound that they can recognize.

5. Know the mother's tastes in music

Scientists from the university in Helsinki found out that four months after birth, the babies find out well the music they heard, being in the womb. They react vigorously when they hear it. Familiar songs are able to calm the baby.

6. Babies have a rich emotional life

Newborn children inherent rich emotional life. Literally from the first minutes of birth, they feel pain, disgust, interest and curiosity. A little later, the babies will know sorrow and annoyance. At the same time, the sad expression of the person will be accompanied by the corresponding intonation in the voice. From 4-6 weeks, children are joy, from 8 months fear comes to them.

Semi-annual children are able not only to demonstrate their own emotions, but also to recognize others. Their ability to identify emotions to the expression of the person is not inferior to most adults.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: children
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