10 famous women with charming pits on cheeks
In addition to talent and beauty, nature awarded these famous women by another pleasant gift. Agree, neat yamms on the cheeks turn any owner into a damn charming personality. And what to talk about their unforgettable smile! She is able to conquer the heart of any man.

In addition to talent and beauty, nature awarded these famous women by another pleasant gift. Agree, neat yamms on the cheeks turn any owner into a damn charming personality. And what to talk about their unforgettable smile! She is able to conquer the heart of any man.
Some believe that the famousElizabet Boyar Star dad helped become. And maybe all the fault of these attractive yamms on the cheeks?
Audrey Tyu. Played one of the most amazing female characters in the cinema - eccentric and charming Amelie Poolen. Do not be these cute snaps on the cheeks of the actress, the movie would have turned out completely different.
At supermodelMiranda Kerr. Many advantages: accurate figure, great expressive eyes, perfect leather. But still the main highlight of Miranda in the other ... in these cute amers on her cheeks!
WithoutDarya Moroza And her stunning jams, Russian cinema would be completely different.
And as youOksana Akinshina. Her smile is just a look!
Little vampire with devilish dish on cheeks. Years go, andKirsten Dunst It looks too great.
Top ModelFreya Beach Eriksen With androging appearance and charming "Angel's kisses" on the cheeks.
From the point of view of medicine, such vertices are nothing more than a rare genetic defect on the face. But look atRachel Makadams.. Is it possible to call such a beauty defect?
Cary Malligan. With chubby cheeks and neat smells always look like a pretty teenager, despite the fact that she is 33.
Ariana Grande So it looks like a princess from a fairy tale, and still these pits ...

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