8 reasons to include smoothies in your daily diet

Smoothie - universal cocktail. He is drunk to lose weight or, on the contrary, to recover. Drink for breakfast to charge energy, or for dinner to feel ease and relaxation.

Smoothie - universal cocktail. He is drunk to lose weight or, on the contrary, to recover. Drink for breakfast to charge energy, or for dinner to feel ease and relaxation. We have collected eight good reasons to include this useful drink in your daily diet.

1. It is fast and easy

The main advantage of smoothies is in their simple composition and quick execution. In the bowl of the blender, you load fruit, vegetables, greens, nuts, add water or milk, grind everything - and ready! It is much faster and easier than the preparation of most dishes. As a result, you have more time for other useful things. For example, Morning Meditation or Reading Books.

2. Strengthens immunity

Smoothie is a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Most of all benefits from green smoothies. Sheet vegetables and greens are rich in calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Unlike fruit juices, smoothies contain the fiber needed for the intestinal health. It feeds the useful intestinal microbes, thereby strengthening the immune system. And if you add nuts, flax seeds or sesame, you will get even more benefits. After all, useful fats are the most important components of the high immune status.

3. Reduces cholesterol

Smoothies help reduce cholesterol levels due to a large amount of fiber. The more you can consume fresh vegetables, fruits and greens, the faster your cholesterol indicators will come back to normal.

4. Reduces the craving for sweets and fastfood

People who regularly drink smoothies note that they stop thinking about sweets and harmful snacks, but the desire to eat healthy food from them, on the contrary, is sharpened.

5. Cleans the body from toxins

Green smoothies purify the body from toxins. With these cocktails you will help the digestive system function correctly and clearly. Regular use of green beverages also favorably affects the work of the liver responsible for the natural detoxification process.

6. Makes more beautiful

Smoothies are simply created in order to make you more beautiful and more attractive. Regularly saturately saturately by the body with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients, you will automatically achieve smooth skin, improve the condition of the hair and nails.

7. Helps to lose weight

Smoothie is not just a drink, but a full meal. His calories will depend on the composition. Spinach, cucumbers, soy milk - what is needed for those who seek to be perfect form. But from bananas, whipped cream, peanut butter and sweet syrups it is better to refuse. Another good advice: if you do not want to go through calories, do not drink ice cocktails. Taste receptors are slightly slowed down during the tasting of very cold food, so the feeling of saturation is delayed.

8. Energy charges

Smoothies help include in the diet more raw vegetables and fruits, which fill the body with energy, but do not overload the digestive system, since they fall into the digestive tract in the optimal form. By and large, smoothies can be replaced with the morning cup of coffee. Those who refused caffeine in favor of green cocktails, note the tide of the internal forces, reducing irritability and nervousness.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: health / SMUZI
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