10 recipes fast exotic dishes for dinner

Today we have prepared for you a selection of dishes of Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, Egyptian, Thai and Moroccan cuisine. Bon Appetit!

Today we have prepared for you a selection of dishes of Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, Egyptian, Thai and Moroccan cuisine. Bon Appetit!

1. Turricile chicken with vegetables
The terrician chicken is a dish that can be prepared for dinner in just 10 minutes. Note that Tori Teriiyaki, as the Japanese say, one of the delicious Asian cuisine recipes. The chicken teriyak sauce is very gentle and piquant, and it can be served independently or with rice and vegetables. Real jam!

2. Vietnamese vegetable salad with pork
The main fraction of this salad is correctly pickled pork. Also, the present skill requires the preparation of refueling, but the Vietnamese salad will definitely have to taste your loved ones.

3. Indian pellets with potato fillinghttp://klassnie.ru/indijskie-lepeshki-s-kartofelnoj-nachinkoj/
The recipe for pisel paratha will be a good alternative to the usual potato mashed potatoes. Fry Indian pellets need on low heat and no more than a minute on each side.

4. Banana salad and celery in Egyptian
This is a dish on an amateur, but try it unequivocally. We guarantee: you will be surprised by the combination of bananas and celery with mayonnaise.

5. Japanese hedza dumplings
It is very tasty, satisfying and at the same time a simple dish. Hedza can be cooked or failed. Recipe for even the most inexperienced hostess. The whole secret of the taste of dishes in the test.

6. Vietnamese Fo Fo Soup
Fo Bo is the traditional recipe for Vietnamese cuisine. It is based on three ingredients: broth, pho-noodles and beef (although you can use chicken and pork). Feed Fo with a piece of lime, shoots of beans, fresh chili pepper and salad as a supplement.

7. Thai salad with crab and mango meat
This exquisite dish is ideal for dinner on an important occasion. The combination of meat of the crab, fresh mango and training based on fish sauce - just perfect!

8. Korean mushrooms
The secret of this dish in marinade. We guarantee: homemade will be delighted.

9. Rice noodles with seafood
What to cook for dinner when you want asian cuisine? That's right, traditional Chinese rice noodles with seafood. In addition, this dish is very easy, and seafood - the real storehouse of vitamins in which our body needs.

10. Kuskus in Moroccan
You can please closely with a naked oriental dish by cooked by Moroccan's couscous. Prepare it with traditional Moroccan spices and abundance of vegetables, and you can even do without meat.

Categories: Food&Travel
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