10 ways you break coronavirus

This list can secure your life, and the lives of others.

You might think that you do everything you can stop Covid-19 in his tracks. But the virus is very contagious and, although you have good intentions, some of your actions will inadvertently increase propagation. On astudy published inScience dailyMore than 10% of coronavirus patients who sought treatment have been infected by people who did not even know they were sick. If you are asymptomatic and go about your daily life, you may be unconsciously disseminating the virus to those you enter in contact. Discover these 10 ways to spread coronavirus so you can make sure you are part of the solution.


Do not cover your mouth when you sneez or cough

Ill man wearing grey sweater, yellow hat and spectacles, blowing nose and sneeze into tissue

Because Covid-19 is a relatively new virus, experts and scientists still analyze all ways to spread. One of the most obvious ways that the virus spreads from one person to another consists of crossing liberated droplets when you sneeze or cough.

According toDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC)An infected person coughing or sneezing can broadcast the virus because "these droplets can land in the mouth or nose of people who are nearby or possibly inhale in the lungs."

RX: Even if you do not think you are infected with the virus, it is important to cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. The CDC recommends folding your arm on your mouth and use the inside of your elbow. This ensures that the droplets do not meet on your hands, then on the items you touch.


Spend too much time in congested places

Woman in a medical mask in subway/

If you have been social and self-insulating insulation distances for a moment, the four walls of your living room probably become boring. But the more time you spend in public, the proberily you will probably spread the virus or to be exposed.

RX: Even if you are bored with tears, it is important not to go out in public during the race for essential races, such as grocery store or filling your fuel tank. On aStudy conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO)"As Covid-19 is a newly identified pathogen, there is no pre-existing immunity known in humans." This means that anyone is likely of infection.


Traveling when it is not essential

smiling man packing clothes into travel bag L

Traveling was part of everyday life for many, so it's a hard habit of breaking. But if you plan to go to your sister's house, two cities or favorite organic grocery store in the city, rexpense it. Traveling in different areas, even within your own state, can be what contributes to the rapid spread of the virus. If you are infected with the virus but not showing symptoms, you are traveling in a city or a different location, you can broadcast the virus in this new area, causing another group of infected people.

Use public transport to get where you go is also a culprit for the propagation of COVID-19. TheCDCWarnings, "congested travel settings, such as airports, can increase the chances of becoming COVID-19, if there are other travelers with coronavirus infection." This includes buses, metro cars or train stations.

RX: Most local officials urge residents to not travel only when it's really essential. Staying in your neighborhood or your city retains the virus as possible. Pass this trip to the grocery store and stay close to stopping spread.


Touch things in public

woman paying by credit card at juice bar. Focus on woman hands entering security pin in credit card reader

If you are in a grocery store or pharmacy shopping for your essential, it is impossible not to touch objects. You must choose your necessities, touch grocery bags and use the keyboard on the credit card machine. But unnecessarily affecting products and shelves can expand coronavirus.

If you have the virus and tap these items or surfaces, you can broadcast the virus to the next person who touches them, then touches their faces. According toNational health institutesThe virus is detectable for "up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic steel and stainless steel."

RX: When you are in public places, be aware of where your hands are at any time. It is impossible not to touch articles when you are a grocery store, but try to minimize the contact you have with objects and surfaces in the store. As soon as you have finished, wash or disinfect your hands carefully.


Stand too close to people

Couple sitting on a bench

The directives on social distance suggest that you are at least six feet from others in a public framework. These regulations are supposed to stop the spread of the virus because most of the droplets of sneezing and coughs can only travel six feet.

When theWHOAnalyzed in the manner in which China's social distancing guidelines have affected the spread of the virus, it has found that these regulations have slowed CVIV-19 transmission. The study revealed that "solid evidence that non-pharmaceutical interventions can reduce and even interrupt the transmission".

RX: Follow the regulations for social distance and rest at least six meters from other people when you are in public. Most grocery stores have set up soil markings to make sure you can easily join the social distancing instructions. If you are walking in the neighborhood, take additional steps on the social distance down the way when another person is close to you.


Do not wash hands enough

The hands of a man who washes his hands with soap dispenser

TheCDCAsked that frequent hand washing is one of the best ways to slow down the propagation of coronavirus. When you have clean hands, you are less likely to broadcast the virus, even if you are infected without knowing it.

If you are infected and you have germs on your hands, you touch public door handles or products on the shelves of the grocery store, you can broadcast the virus on these surfaces. People who touch these surfaces then germs on their hands and can be infected with Covid-19, which begins spreading to other people they come into contact.

RX: Wash your hands thoroughly after spending time in public. The CDC also recommends washing your hands before, during and after eating or preparing food, when treating a wound, when taking care of a sick person, or after using the toilets. It is also important to wash your hands after sneezing, coughing or breath.


Touch your face

Stressed frustrated young asian businesswoman reading bad email internet news on computer feeling sad tired

Touch your face increases your risk of infection. Once you are infected by Coronavirus, you become a source that can broadcast it to other people.

When you have touched surfaces or objects containing germs and potentially COVID-19, you have these germs on your fingers. Touch your eyes, nose or mouth gives these germs a way to get into your body and infect with the virus. According toDr. Dawn BeckerFrom the University of Florida Health, "viruses that affect the respiratory system come into the body through mucous membranes that are in the nose, the oral cavity and the lips".

RX: You can inadvertently touch your face when you are stressed or not conscious of your movements. But when you are in public, it is important to refrain from bringing your hands anywhere near your face. You may think that you are safe at home, but if you just touch your car keys or mobile phone, you can still have germs on your fingers. Do not allow you to touch your face at home if you wash your hands well.


Do not disinfect your home regularly

Woman cleaning and polishing the kitchen worktop with a spray detergent, housekeeping and hygiene

If you do not keep your home clean and disinfected, you can broadcast the virus to other household members. If you were outside, then returned home and put the grocery grocery store or used the bathroom without washing your hands, you may have widespread Covid-19 germs on the surfaces of your home. Without using a disinfecting cleaning agent or dilute whitening to clean these surfaces regularly, germs can easily be extended to family members who touch the same areas of your home.

RX: TheCDCRecommends wearing disposable gloves to disinfect your home. First, clean all the surfaces frequently affected with soap and water. Then use a household disinfectant cleaner or dilute whitening to wipe the surfaces and kill bacteria. Let the solution remain on the surfaces for at least one minute before rinsing or wipe.


Do not use hand disinfecting

Asian shopper disinfecting hands with sanitizer in supermarket during shopping for groceries. Public shopping cart is high risk virus and bacteria contact point.

When you get out and about running races, it may be impossible to wash your hands properly. Sanininize your hands between travel can help stop coronavirus propagation. Once you have touched items in the store, the control conveying belt and the buttons of the credit card machine, your hands may have been exposed to the virus.

When you enter your car, if you do not use hand disinfecting right away to kill germs on your fingers, you spread these germs to other areas, such as your steering wheel and radio controls. Then you spread these germs again at your next destination.

RX: Although the appropriate hand washing is always preferred, the CDC recommends using alcohol-based hand-based disinfectants when you do not have access to handwashing elements. Keep the hand disinfectant easily available in your car and other places where you can not wash your hands, but can be exposed to germs. For this to be effective to kill the virus, buy only a hand disinfecting containing at least 60% alcohol.


Go out when you feel good

Woman cough at outdoor

If you feel PARTAQUE, it can be allergies or a cold. Or maybe a sign that you have contracted the virus. Anyway, if you know you do not feel good, it's a good idea of ​​self-isolation.

If you have the virus, cough droplets or snecomation can easily infect people or surfaces around you, which causes the propagation of the virus. If you laugh or talk too close to your loved ones, you can also propagation Covid-19 to these family members, who then become hosts to the virus and keep the propagation go.

RX: Use a grocery delivery service instead of shopping on your own. Ask your friends or family members to shop for you and ask for packets at your door. Stay away from other household members, especially those who are more at risk of virus complications. If your symptoms include shortness of breath or fever, see your doctor immediately.

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these40 things you should never touch because of coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus
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