Stars lost weight called former

Many people after a breakup are gaining weight. All because after painful parting, you want to lie on the sofa and eat pain with snacks. However, the following celebrities definitely do not take themselves to the number of such people. After all, they quickly led themselves in shape after parting to the envy of the former.

Many people are gaining in weight after breaking relationships. All because after painful parting, you want to lie on the sofa and eat pain with snacks. However, the following celebrities definitely do not take themselves to the number of such people. After all, they quickly led themselves in shape after parting to the envy of the former.

1. Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez is now at the peak of his physical form. Gone are the days when the former husband of singer Marc Anthony tried to make it a real housewife. Nutritional breakfasts and satisfying home dinners were an integral part of their family life. Now Jay Lo lose weight on an exclusive diet and engages in sports.

2. Zac Efron
Zac Efron literally settled in the gym after his scandalous parting with Vanessa Hudgens. He also completely changed his diet and in just a few months turned into a real Apollo!

3. Demi Lovato
Singer Demi Lovato has experienced a real drama after breaking up with Wilmer Valderrama. The hackers hacked the account of her former and published her photos with the signature: "incredibly fat." It could not but hurt the artist, so she stupidly engaged in fitness. Later, she even thanked ill-wishers for such a kick.

4. Sam Smith
Popular British singer Sam Smith also changed outwardly after several love fiasco. Helped to lose weight artist nutritionist Amelia Freer. She advised him to give up sugar, gluten and dairy products. The result was lightning: for 2 weeks diet Sam Smith lost 6 kg!

5. Kelly Osborne
Fans have ceased to recognize Kelly Osbourne after the engagement of the engagement with Matthew Mosshart. A star, who has always been overweight, decided to prove to the former that he lost a lot. And Kelly succeeded, because in a short time she lost 20 kg!

6. Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga double converge and diverge with actor Taylor Kinney. The second attempt to establish relations was to end the wedding. But no. The gap strongly hit the emotional state of the singer, and it was settled in all serious, sowing on an alcoholic diet to drown out pain. Later, Lady Gaga realized that it would not lead to anything good, and the pain would not help to help. Therefore, she took up yoga, stopped drinking alcohol and refused sweet and flour. Now the artist looks excellent!

7. John Hill
The popular actor Jonah Hill always had a tendency to be overweight, although its success in the movies is not affected. Nevertheless, the excess weight caused a gap with his girlfriend Camilla, who delivered an act of ultimatum. Of course, the actor decided to listen to his beloved and the result on the face! As a result, John Hill lost much, and the beloved Camilla returned to him.

8. Chloe Kardashian
A real blow for the younger sister Kim Kardashian was the betrayal of her former husband Lamar Odoma. It turned out that he used drugs and constantly changed her. However, Chloe, even after all of the experience sustained him during the big health problems, and when all the same decided to leave, differently looked at herself. First of all, she sat on a diet and lost weight by 18 kg. She continues to work on her body and inspires millions of girls all over the world with their example.

9. Courtney Kardashian
After painful relations and even more painful gap with Scott Dixie, Courtney Kardashian found his love. Now she is happy with UNESE Bengim, who under her for 15 years. To match the young partner, Courtney began to follow her figure even more (although never complete). Now she is sitting on a gluten-free diet, eating only organic food without additives, and spends much time in the gym.

10. Keeie Coco
I survived the drama in the relationship and actress Kayley Coco, who divorced a tennis player Ryan Svitin a few years ago. As it turned out, one of the reasons for the care of the athlete from Coco was the extra weight of the actress. To recover faith again, the star of the "Theory of the Big Explosion" sat on a protein diet and took up Pilates. It quickly helped her body again become perfect.

Categories: Entertainment
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