13 habits destroying beauty
To prevent the premature appearance of wrinkles, you need to carefully care for yourself. Complex care with the help of special cosmetics, proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle are capable of extending your youth. In our article, we collected 13 bad habits that destroy beauty.

To prevent the premature appearance of wrinkles, you need to carefully care for yourself. Complex care with the help of special cosmetics, proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle are capable of extending your youth. In our article, we collected 13 bad habits that destroy beauty.
1. Coffee
Many girls do not represent their morning without a cup of fragrant coffee. Unfortunately, the body beloved by many strongly dehydrates the body, which is why premature wrinkles may appear on the face. Therefore, always drink a glass of non-carbonated water after coffee.
2. Proper nutrition
Remember that incorrect diet will not help you lose weight for a long period of time. In addition, you will speed up the process of aging skin of the face. We recommend thinking about proper nutrition, as well as often use avocado, olive oil, oranges and almonds that help keep youth longer.
3. Water
Scientists have proven that by using a small amount of water, you will look older than it really is. The fact is that due to lack of water in the body, the skin looks dim and gray. Therefore, take care not to disturb the drinking mode.
4. Phone
It is no secret that a huge number of bacteria accumulates on the surface of the phone. Permanent contact with the phone can cause irritation and acne on the skin of the face. We recommend every day to wipe the screen with antibacterial napkins.
5. Son.
If you want to look fresh and young, make your schedule so that you have 8 hours for sleep.
6. sharp weights weights
It does not contribute to the preservation of beauty and sudden weight loss, since the skin simply does not have time to respond to sharp weights of weight.
7. Lip care
Caring for the skin of the face, many forget that our lips also need careful care. If you do not moisturize them with lip balm or other means, the lips will not only be dreamed, but also lose volume.
8. Sugar.
We recommend that if you do not completely abandon sweet, then at least gradually reduce its consumption to a minimum. The results of this solution will see immediately both on the scales and on the skin of the face.
9. Movement
Movement is life, and the more movement in your life, the better. The blood circulation leads to the normal complexion, and therefore fills the skin of the skin cells. Therefore, we advise you to run in the morning, go to the gym or just more walking.
10. Harmful habits
In the top sheet of the causes of premature aging - our bad habits. To look longer you look young, refuse smoking and drinking alcohol.
11. Stress
The result of the negative effect of stress is the rapid aging of the skin. So try less nervous.
12. Dirty pillowcases
In contact with the face, dirty pillowcases are a seatingman of bacteria, because of what a rash may appear on the face. Therefore, do not forget to wash bedding more often.
13. Acne
Do not forget that one squeezed pimple is often the reason for the appearance of several more acne. If acne appeared on your face - contact a beautician.

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