8 main Supports 2018
In order to be aware of fashion trends, we publish information about 10 superfudov, which will be at the peak of popularity in the coming year.

In order to be aware of fashion trends, we publish information about 10 superfudov, which will be at the peak of popularity in the coming year.
To begin with, we note that Superfood is products with a high concentration of beneficial substances. And if in earlier you heard about Goji berries, Chia, Movie, then this year you can add some more useful ingredients to your menu.
1. Chaga mushrooms
Not so long ago in the West, which, as usually sets the trends, there was a peak of the popularity of chaga mushrooms. These mushrooms contain a large amount of fiber. Regular use of their use helps lead the stomach operation to normal, normalize pressure, as well as get rid of inflammatory processes in the body.
2. Petals Flowers
If earlier bloggers used flowers mostly for a beautiful frame, now they are recommended to add them to food. For example, the petals of lavender will help to relax, and hibiscus is burtered and tones. You can combine flower petals in variations with sea salt. It is very beautiful and useful.
3. Watermelon seeds
With this summer, do not hurry to throw watermelon seeds, because they contain a lot of protein, vitamin V and magnesium. You can germinate them and add fresh sprouts to salads or fry seeds and click them as pumpkin seeds.
4. Maki berries
Maki berries came to us from India. These supere berries will help lower blood sugar levels. Dry berries you can cast into powder and add to smoothies, cocktails or just in any cold drinks. Soon you will notice how your metabolism will accelerate. You can also feel the improvement of the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
5. Chufa
Chuf, or so-called Tiger nuts, is also rapidly gaining popularity. Externally, they are similar to the usual usual familiar, but according to the properties are quite better. There are many dietary fibers, squirrels, probiotics that improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and kill viruses in the body. Also, the Chuf relaxes the body after a stressed workout, and also removes pain during menstruation.
6. Kassava
This superfood is still only gaining popularity. Kassaba has long been used in Europe as a glitulous flour. If you have the intolerance of gluten or intestinal problems, we recommend to stock cassation.
7. Moring
This is a direct competitor Spiruline and the match. But the thing is that in Moring there is a huge amount of vitamins and substances capable of preventing diabetes mellitus, a stomach ulcer and even cancer. This Superfud also has an advantage in terms of taste and efficiency, so we recommend to get this magic novelty as soon as possible.
8. Walnut oil
Alternative to the usual types of oils will be walnut oil. This superfide contains a lot of useful minerals and acids. We recommend to acquire oils of different types of nuts, whose beneficial properties differ. If you have intolerance of nuts, try avocado oil is another discovery of 2018.

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