10 unexpected ingredients of perfumes that you have not even guessed
You do not even suspect how experts are resorted to creating unique flavors! Initially, non-zeal and sometimes even the disgusting smells become the basis for the spirits, which we all adore. We promise: some will surprise you very much.

For many girls, perfume, like the second leather. This is an element of creating an image, a raisin and a mounted mystery of an image that helps to make every way out of memorable. But you do not even suspect, to what tricks experts are resorted to create unique fragrances! Initially, non-zeal and sometimes even the disgusting smells become the basis for the spirits, which we all adore. We promise: some will surprise you very much.
1. Belladonna
Do not be surprised if earlier the name of this plant you heard only in the context of the preparation of different love spells and the manufacture of poisons. Belladonna also adds to the creation of perfume, but in a very correct and dosed proportion. But whether its fragrance has the same magic influence, decide for themselves.
2. Marihuana
Some perfumers believe that marijuana adds spirits unforgettable and atmospheric notes of the forest and in their properties give peace and calm. Apparently, they know what they are doing.
3. indol
An unpleasant fecal smell has an indole that is contained in many white colors. Due to its sharpness, indole is added when creating odors to enhance them and create a fragrance loop. You will be surprised, but the artificially created fragrance will only then have the smell of a real jasmine if you add indole.
4. Spel
To create a fragrance for brutal men, some perfumers use ash. It gives resistance to aroma and adds the courage to a man. Sometimes ashes add to female perfume (unisex now in fashion).
5. Muscus
Often in the spirits you feel strong and slightly tart fragrance, it is musk. In fact, in nature, Muscus is a terribly smelling substance, which is produced in glands located in the groin area of reindeer animals, but have the property of attracting the opposite sex. People have been using this substance for many centuries to enhance the flavor of perfume.
6. Beaver jet
Another very not presentable and bad smelling ingredient of spirits is a beaver jet, with the help of which the animal marks its territory. Perfumes use this substance with the same purpose as musk.
7. Amber
Amber - a rare substance with a terrible aroma, produced in the stomach of whales. But after Whale breaks down Ambraw, and she will spend several years in seawater, it acquires a floral fragrance. Amber is a fixer of the spirits of spirits, it is thanks to ambroved the fragrance of perfumes that can stay on our skin for several days. Due to the complexity of obtaining Ambra, it is now used only in the manufacture of elite and expensive perfumery. From here and compliance - the more expensive perfume, the flag of the aroma is longer on the skin or clothing.
8. Mercaptans
Initially, Mercptians have a sulfurous smell that resembles the smell of rotten cabbage. But the perfumers learned to work with this substance. And after special processing of mercaptans, fruity or coffee flavor spirits are added.
9. Cum and blood
BrandEtat Libre d'Orange Created perfume with these ingredients in order to recreate the fragrances of the carnal joy. They chased the goal of creating natural aphrodisiac, as close as possible to natural secretion.
10. Aldehydes
For more than 100 years, these artificially created synthetic substances apply when creating perfumes. They spoke about them after one of the most famous and most famous flavors was created - Chanel No. 5 was created. Once hearing the fragrance of this perfume, you will never confuse it anything else. And all thanks to aldehydes who make ordinary spirits unique and recognizable.

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