How to make a man to listen and listen

It often happens that you have something to try to bring the beloved, and he did not seem to here, he says he did not hear or reproach is that you can not bring the desired thought correctly. We believe this type of situation happens to you. That is why we have compiled a few rules to help get men to listen and to listen to what you're asking for it. Take yourself a note!

It often happens that you have something to try to bring the beloved, and he did not seem to here, he says he did not hear or reproach is that you can not bring the desired thought correctly. We believe this type of situation happens to you. That is why we have compiled a few rules to help get men to listen and to listen to what you're asking for it. Take yourself a note!

1. Hints do not go: straight talk about the importance
If you want your man knew at once what you want it to do, instead of puzzling over your hints and obscure phrases (most simply skip past the ears incomprehensible information), be sure to be very frank in his thoughts. Subtext in your sentences should not be, but often we do not want to sound the naked truth, but otherwise your message across can be misinterpreted. Here it is up to you.

2. Speak calmly, emotions leave to meet with friends
In a conversation with a man you have to play by his rules. It is unlikely that you have ever heard a man enthusiastically talked about some purchase or event, shouting about his happiness, or vice versa wrath (watching sports matches are not considered). Therefore, we recommend without emotions explain what you need: whether it is a request, a problem, or just talk heart to heart. So you'll be with a man on the same wavelength.

3. Instead tirades - brief definition of the
Classic said that brevity - the sister of talent. And it's hard to argue. The main message of your speech should be formulated and available in short: without much ado and their attitude to the problem. Then the man will hear you and understand what you want from him, especially if the conversation takes place in the evening after a hard day's work. The concentration in this case is almost essential.

4. Do not expect instant reaction: let me think
Few men can instantly blurt out a solution to a problem. They need time to evaluate everything, weigh and calculate carefully. And only then - to issue a decision. Do not rush to get an answer as much as possible and then you'll be happy with the result. Every man, as a rule, with great responsibility comes to solving problems, so does not like to throw words.

5. Be polite and do not interrupt
We understand how sometimes want to quickly express your thoughts, emotionally embellishing reality, but it works only in a conversation with the girls. As a rule, men or speak or listen. So be polite and do not interrupt.

6. Control the time of the story
Specialists in psychology suggest that men may listen carefully to only 7-15 minutes, then his attention is scattered, and he can not remember what you said. But do not be discouraged, thinking that this is not enough. In fact, this time enough, we need only take into account our previous recommendations.

7. It is important to feed: a man - a hero who can solve any problem
Of course, we are all pleased with the attention and compliments, and men in particular. They also love the ears, so in an important conversation accentuate its attention on the fact that you really trust him and consider him a great authority, that's why decided to ask him for advice (and not because they just want to shift the responsibility). Man this must flatter, so you can rely on his willingness to comply with your request, even the most reckless. The main thing - the right to submit information.

8. "Security question" about progovorennom
To see if the above tips have worked really set the beloved "test question", which will show whether he really listened to you carefully. The answer should not be monosyllabic (yes or no), and better deployed, so you can make sure that your important details were also taken into account. If you receive such a response, you can be sure that you have heard, and then, most likely, the corresponding conclusions will be drawn.

Categories: Relationships
By: galyna
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