Universal beauty secrets: how to look young even without makeup

Many girls wonder how it looks good without makeup. The answer to this question lies in health and correct habits. So that you glow beauty and youth, we recommend familiarizing with 9 tips that will help look fresh even without a rich layer of cosmetics.

Many girls wonder how it looks good without makeup. The answer to this question lies in health and correct habits. So that you glow beauty and youth, we recommend familiarizing with 9 tips that will help look fresh even without a rich layer of cosmetics.

1. Water, water and water again
Doctors, nutritionists and coaches on sports are not in vain in one voice say that you need to drink a lot of water. Indeed, water has unique healing properties: it removes toxins from the body, moisturizes the skin, improves the metabolism, which directly affects the skin condition. So that your face glows youth, drink every day several glasses of clean water without additives or gas. The effect you will notice quite soon.

2. Refuse alcohol and caffeine
Everything is good in moderation. Of course, one cup of coffee or a glass of wine is unlikely to destroy the health, but sometimes people are too attached to alcohol or caffeine drinks. The problem is that they stimulate the removal of moisture from the body. Because of this, the skin dries up and rapidly rapidly. But the wrinkles on the face add years, which and make a makeup not particularly scrub.

3. Completely use antioxidants
Free radicals in the body with good conditions for them can lead to damage to cells: these are premature wrinkles, low collagen production and even cancer. To avoid such problems, experts recommend to use antioxidants. They are contained in greenery, grapes, blueberries, olive oil (Check out the full list to diversify your daily menu). Using them every day, you will quickly notice positive changes.

4. Use gentle scrubs
To look good without makeup, you need to periodically make a peeling scrub. It makes skin smoother and gentle, and also stimulates the production of collagen. Such skin cleaning is better conducting moisturizing and anti-aging creams, which means that the fight against the natural process of aging becomes more efficient. We also do not recommend carrying out chemical peels, as they are overly injured the skin, which is reflected in its appearance and even your health.

5. Salicylic acid must be in your cosmetic
Face care also includes a cheap solution from the pharmacy called salicylic acid. Checked for years and experience thousand women: it cleans skin cells, and also levels no worse than fashionable branded creams, removing acne and pigmentation. With regular use, the skin will glow health, and your wallet will not feel big financial losses. As the saying goes: "Why pay more?"

6. Choose a natural hair color
You can easily go outside without makeup and delight the world with natural beauty, if you have gorgeous hair of natural color. You do not need to paint your hair in too dark or too light colors, as you have to sample and focus on eyebrows and eyelashes. Remember that today is naturalness in fashion.

7. Proper nutrition is not a diet, but a lifestyle
Health is based on proper nutrition, and more than once, but constantly. Only a properly balanced diet will help to fill all the necessary elements in the body in which it needs. Immunity and confrontation of diseases - the key to good well-being, mood, and therefore the beautiful color of the person, the lack of problems with the skin, etc. We recommend consulted by a nutritionist to make a daily menu that will be suitable only for you.

8. Think out your image
To look young without makeup, think your daily image. Do not be afraid to attract attention, experiment, adding paints to the usual appearance. Makeup in this matter is not important if your hairstyle and outfit will correspond to an internal state.

9. Pain yourself with rest
Probably this is the main point in this list. By downloading yourself to the affairs, people often ignore the needs of the body in rest, but I need a reboot to everyone. If you sleep a little, bags and dark circles appear under the eyes, and the collagen generation is blocked, because of which the skin again ages ahead of time. We recommend periodically to go on a trip to the sea or fresh air, and follow the norm on sleep.

Categories: Beauty
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