8 things men really want from women ... but never even say out loud
We all used to think that men always straightforward. We really, it seems that it is the main difference between the sexes. Of course, you can consider yourself a modern woman above all prejudices. You are able to find a common language with any man. But what if I tell you that they are not always what they seem. And even more, they do not always say what they think. Especially when it comes to serious feelings.

We all used to think that men always straightforward. We really, it seems that it is the main difference between the sexes. Of course, you can consider yourself a modern woman above all prejudices. You are able to find a common language with any man. But what if I tell you that they are not always what they seem. And even more, they do not always say what they think. Especially when it comes to serious feelings.
Da-yes, men do not always openly expressed his opinion about the relationship. What is the secret? The only answer seems to be true, it is not easy. Men, as we are not aware of their desires to the end, and even more so no one tries to analyze them. It is very important the role of partner. So, discernment and objectivity, are indispensable in any relationship.
Of course, these tips will not add fire and passion in your life. But they will definitely make your man happier. Do not waste your time in vain, these things any guy wants from his girlfriend, although it is unlikely he will tell about this sometime.
1. Treat it with respect. This point - the number one for all men. True, not all girls understand what it really means. Respect is composed of many parts, like a mosaic. It must be in your thoughts, words and deeds.
2. Allow yourself to be fragile and defenseless.Modern women can be everything. Drive a car, make repairs, to deal in electronics, and many other important things. The main thing to stop in time. Give your man a chance to show his strength, and he is sure to appreciate.
3. Tell him compliments. Men also like when they say nice words. Just do not forget that the most important thing here - sincerity. Speak up for what you believe yourself. Make it so that he could feel its uniqueness.
4. Become his best friend. Relationship - it is always the trust and support. Even the strongest and most unflappable man needs help. Or at least in the knowledge that there is someone who will never betray him. Make your man feel safe around you. Believe me, it will be the most valuable gift for him.
5. make an effort.Give your man know that your flawless makeup, new hair style and elegant dress - a gift for him. Poteshte his pride. Just do not forget that it is important to always be yourself.
6. turn to him for advice. When you're in something not sure, do not hesitate a long time - immediately turns to his beloved for help. After all, this is the best way to show that his opinion is important to you. Men secretly want to be sure that their ideas are not the last place in your life.
7. Expresses its gratitude. It does not matter - be it a word, a kiss or your playful smile. The main thing - do it always. Courtesy and attention to detail are able to bribe any man. Just do not overdo it.
8. Do not restrict his freedom. Yes, it's hard. And this does not mean you have to leave your favorite one, angry, jealous and nervous. Just any man needs his personal space. He is vitally important to meet with your friends and do pretty pranks that we girls do not understand.

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