"Pocket" simple secrets to have a beautiful face!

The following article will provide you with simple secrets to have a beautiful face without cutlery interference and are not expensive.

There is a fresh, youthful and beautiful face that is the dream of all women. However, many people will think that beauty methods will costly or make them suffer pain in cosmetic surgery. The following article will provide you with simple secrets to have a beautiful face without cutlery interference and are not expensive.

  1. Clean and stop skin properly

To own a bright face, first learn how to clean the skin. Many sisters often conceive should only remove the Makeup after makeup or apply sunscreen. However, this is not right. Every day, your face must be exposed to a lot of dust when circulating on the road, UV rays from the sun, bacteria from hand, v.V. Therefore, cleaning and cleaning cleanses should be done regularly with at least 2 times / day so that the skin is healthy and avoid acne agents. You should also exfoliate every week / 1 time to help the skin ventilated.

Besides skin cleaning, skin care steps are extremely important to help the skin collect necessary nutrients. Depending on skin conditions such as oily, dry skin, mixed skin, sensitive skin, v.V. Which you can choose suitable skin care products. You should nourish your skin twice in the morning before makeup and evening after cleaning clothes clean.

  1. Facial massage

Facial massage not only gives a sense of relaxation for the face because the skin is relaxed but it also helps the skin become pinky, fresh and full of life due to enhanced skin circulation. If you massage the skin after skin care, the nutrients found in skin care products will easily absorb into the skin. Besides, massage movements will have impact on skin circulation circulation, reducing stress on face and reducing wrinkles. This will help the skin "defeat" less than tired.

However, in the process of facial massage, you should perform the motion in the direction of the nose outwards, the direction from the bottom to avoid sagging skin conditions.

  1. Nutritional supplements for skin

Not only skin care from outside, the addition of good nutrition for the skin is essential. First of all, you need to provide enough water for the skin because it is the "tonic source" of the skin. Take enough about 2 liters of water every day to help the skin maintain moisture, elasticity, reduce wrinkles and promote the absorption of nutrients in the body.

Besides, you should also supplement vegetables because in green vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of good vitamins for skin such as vitamin A, C, E, minerals and antioxidants., Etc. ... eat a lot Fruits and vegetables are also a natural water supply for the skin.

You should also pay attention to foods that contain a lot of good fats for skin and general health such as Omega-3 and Omega-6. These substances are usually found in eggs, salmon, tuna, mackerel, olive oil, walnuts, almonds, cashews, tofu, v.V.

To keep the skin beautiful, stay away from the "Great Cord" dishes of the skin such as sweets, coffee, junk food, alcohol and alcoholic drinks by these dishes that can make acne and reduce skin Elasticity and get older quickly.

  1. Enhance sports movement

One of the secrets to help the body in general and facials in particular, keeping a young and fresh look is moving regularly. Exercise will promote blood circulation, helps discharge toxins inside the body and dirt on the skin through the sweat gland, making the skin brighter. In addition, when exercising regularly, the body immune system will be improved, thereby helping to extend the life and reduce the aging process of the body, including skin.

Notably, the frequent movement also helps promote collagen production mechanism, which helps slow down the aging process in women.

Depending on health conditions and living space, you can go to the professional gym or practice simple exercises at home. You can try yoga, yoga wire, gym, jogging, cycling, walking, v.v. To improve the general health and beauty of the skin in particular.

  1. Giving up bad habits

The last secret to get a radiant face is planning to give up the bad habits immediately. There are many habits of harmless but in the long run will affect your beauty such as smoking, staying up late and addicted to computers and phones.

Smoking including electronic cigarettes are likely to harm heart, liver, kidney health and cancer risk. Particularly for the skin, cigarette smoke will affect the skin protection fence, causing aging, psoriasis, wrinkled and even skin cancer.

Frequently updated waking will make the skin with no time to rest and restore, affect the freshness, skin elasticity and make your eyes darklods. Sleep at least 7 - 8 hours a day and start going to bed early from 21-22 hours.

And finally, the addiction of electronic devices, including computers and phones also adversely affects your skin because it makes you disorder sleep makes the skin not rest and recover. At the same time, if using a regular phone, the amount of bacteria on the phone will have the opportunity to attack your face causes acne skin. More importantly, focusing on small words on the phone will make the skin's forehead and eye area saggy, aging, making you look older than the age.

It's simple, right? You don't need to look far away from luxury methods to beautify your face. Please apply 5 simple methods as mentioned and you will be surprised with the results I gained!

Categories: beauty, beauty
Tags: Skin Care
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