8 formulas for masking from fruits and vegetables
Fruits not only provide vitamins and minerals, helping you stay healthy but it is also used to make moisturizing masks, bright skin, and great aging prevents for your facial skin. Learn 8 public Wake the mask from the fruit!

Fruits not only provide vitamins and minerals, helping you stay healthy but it is also used to make moisturizing masks, bright skin, and great aging prevents for your facial skin. Learn 8 public Wake the mask from the fruit!
- Mask from tomatoes
Due to many vitamin C, tomatoes promote the production of skin collagen, which helps skin smoother. Besides, vitamin B in tomatoes contributes to anti-aging skin. Vitamin A helps blur bruises and scarring. Therefore, masks from tomatoes have the effect of whitening and stretching skin and skin care effectively. There are many ways to make tomato masks. The easiest way is to make masks from tomatoes and yogurt.
- ½ tomatoes just ripe
- 1 yogurt box
- Peel and remove tomatoes, press tomatoes to get water.
- Mix tomato water with yogurt at a ratio of 1: 1.
- Wash the face to clean dirt.
- Rub the mixture of tomato juice and yogurt on the face, so about 7 minutes for the mixture into the skin. After that, rub a mixture of tomato juice and mixed yogurt.
- Allow the mixture into the skin for about 20 minutes.
- Rinse your face with warm water.
Note Use: You should use this mask about 2-3 times a week to get the best results.

- Mask from cucumber
Cucumbers have the effect of whitening skin, antiseptic skin, so help reduce acne and bruises and pigments. Making masks from cucumber is very simple, you can easily make low cost.
Raw materials: 1 Medium size cucumber
- Wash cucumber, Thai circle with thin slices;
- Wash the face to clean dirt type;
- Cucumbers have sliced on the face, including the eyes, and lips;
- Located relaxing to the nutrients from cucumbers absorbing all into the skin for about 20 minutes;
- Remove cucumber pieces after 20 minutes and to dry the face naturally, do not wash the face.
Note Use: You should use cucumber masks about 2-3 times / week.

- Mask from bananas
The mask from bananas helps your skin firmer, anti-wrinkle and acne effectively. In particular, banana masks work with both dry skin and oily skin. With dry skin, banana masks have moisturizing effects. With oil skin, banana mask can alkaline oil.
- 1 ripe bananas;
- 2 tablespoons honey.
- Crushing crucial ripe bananas;
- Mixed bananas crushed with honey;
- Rinse face to remove dirt;
- Apply the honey banana mixture to face for 15 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water and dry the face.
Note Use: You should use honey banana masks 2-3 times / week.

- Mask from watermelon
Masks from watermelons can help you cure sunburned skin, lighten skin, acne treatment, and skin care.
- 1 medium size watermelon
- Watermelon presses with water;
- Rinse face to remove dirt;
- Taking cotton in watermelon water and rubbing all over the face;
- Leave about 15 minutes to nutrients from watermelon that seeps into the skin. Then wash the ground with cold water.
Note Use: You can use watermelon mask 3-4 times / week. In addition, you can mix watermelon juice with yogurt or puree butter to increase the effectiveness of skin lightening and anti-aging.

- Mask from butter
Masks from butter have the effect of reducing greasy secretions, drawing wrinkles, exfoliating, and moisturizing the skin.
- ¼ ripe avocado;
- 1 tablespoon of sugar-free yogurt.
- Puree ¼ avocado;
- Mix the crushed butter with yogurt forming a mixture;
- Rinse face to remove dirt;
- Apply the mixed butter and yogurt to face, leave it within 20 minutes for nourishing nourishment on the skin;
- Wash your face with warm water, then wash with water again to shrink pores;
- Wipe your face and moisturize if necessary.
Note Use: You can use this mixture 2-3 times / week.

- Mask from lemon and egg white
Masks from lemon and egg whites have skin whitening effects.
- 1 fresh lemon;
- 1 chicken egg.
- Lemon squeezed the juice;
- Chicken eggs separate white;
- Mix all lemon juice and egg white according to the ratio ¼ spoon of lemon juice mixed with an egg white;
- Rinse face to remove dirt;
- Rub the mixture of lemon juice and egg white on the face, leaving within 15 minutes;
- Then wash the face with warm water.
Note Use: You can use this mask twice a week.

- Masks from apples and honey
This mask also works to whiten skin. In addition, honey has antiseptic effect, so this mask also works to reduce acne.
- 1 ripe apple soft;
- 5 tablespoons honey.
- Apple washing, peeling, grain and puree;
- Pour 5 tablespoons honey into the pureed and mixed apple;
- Rinse face to remove dirt;
- Apply apple mixture and honey to face, leave it within 15 minutes;
- Rinse with cold water.
Note Use: You can use this mask twice a week.

- Masks from papaya and honey
Masks from papaya and honey have good effects with acne skin due to papaya and antibacterial honey. Besides, this mask also firming the skin, eliminating dead cells, soothes and brightens the skin.
- 2 soft papaya paps;
- 1 teaspoon honey.
Making :
- Papaya papaya;
- Mix well papaya crushed with honey;
- Rinse face to remove dirt;
- Rub the honey mixture and papaya on the face, to within 15-20 minutes;
- Rinse the face with warm water, and then with cold water.
Note Use : You can use this mask 1 time / week

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