6 ways to maintain your health after Covid-19 translation

While the Corona virus is still raging in many countries around the world, Vietnam is considered to have successfully controlled translation. So, is Vietnam completely safe? And what do you need to do to maintain health when returning to normal life rhythm in a new stage?

While the Corona virus is still raging in many countries around the world, Vietnam is considered to have successfully controlled translation. In the last 2 months, Vietnam does not detect new cases of Corona virus inland. As of August 1, 2020, out of 369 cases of infection, 342 people have been diseased. The number of treatment patients is 27 people with good progress. Schools and offices have worked back from May 5/2020, opening a new normal period. So, is Vietnam completely safe? Can viruscorona rebellible in Vietnam like what has experienced in many other countries? And what do you need to do to maintain health when returning to normal life rhythm in a new stage?

Until now, Vietnam is one of the safe countries because of a good control of Corona viruses. However, due to the joint border with many countries with epidemic, due to the number of overseas Vietnamese returns, and due to the trading activities of Vietnamese citizens with countries, the appearance of new patients with Corona virus infection Is absolutely capable. Therefore, to protect yourself safely, at the same time improve your health during the "normal new" period, please do 6 measures later.

  1. Maintain habits wearing public places

Wearing a mask is a simple but effective measure to help you minimize the risk of infectious infectious diseases. Therefore, maintain a habit of wearing a public mask to avoid the risk of Corona virus infection when the pathogen reappears in the community, while avoiding other infectious diseases such as flu, measles, tuberculosis, water Beans, mumps, brain encephalitis, etc. Moreover, due to the air quality in Vietnam is not really good, wearing a mask when out also helps you to prevent dust, protect your respiratory tract effectively.

  1. Maintain a habit of washing your hands with soap

Hand washing with soap can kill bacteria and viruses that are harmful to the body. Therefore, although there is no Corona virus, you should also maintain this good habit. According to research, washing hands with soap can help you reduce up to 35% of the risk of bacterial infection, viruses that cause diarrhea, typhoid, foot and mouth hands, v.V. Wash your hands for at least 30 seconds to remove viruses, bacteria.

  1. Avoid collective gathering people when unnecessary

Although social communication needs are the basic human needs, it is necessary to avoid the exercises when not necessary because it can be source of infectious diseases, including Corona virus. In the absence of a Corona virus in the community, this gathering can also be harmful to your health because you can infect flu viruses, pulmonary tuberculosis, encephalitis, v.V. If inhalation of sick saliva. Please create a habit of protecting yourself and keeping the distance as needed.

  1. Maintain throat habits with salt water

In our throat there are many viruses, bacteria residing, including bacteria that cause pneumonia, bridge encephalitis, v.V. When our bodies are healthy, these bacteria, viruses can be controlled. However, if our resistance is weak, we will be infected. Therefore, in order to destroy bacteria, viruses sheltered in the throat (maybe we have accidentally inhale), you should maintain a habit of throat with frequent salt water!

  1. Exercise regular exercise and sports

Fitness exercise, regular sports is a great remedy for your health. It can help you enhance the resistance to the flu, colds, good control, preventing diseases related to obesity such as diabetes, blood pressure, blood fat, stroke, or diseases Regarding nerves such as depression, anxiety disorders, joint diseases, and cancer. Regular exercise also helps you be excited, happy, and work more effectively. Take at least 30 minutes a day to practice exercise and sports!

  1. Healthy eating, enough substances

Healthy eating is a balanced dining with a full range of substances - protein, starch, fat, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. When you eat healthy, your body will operate more efficiently, reduce the risk of disease, and become stronger. According to research, people who eat healthy living by they are less likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure, blood fat. They also have better quality sleep and more fun mood. Eat at least 400g of vegetables every day, reducing the amount of fat to below 30% of the total energy, reducing the consumption of salt to less than 5g per day, reducing the road to less than 10% of the total energy, diverse diversity of protein Animals and plants.

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