The truth about Emerald blue eyes

Questions around this eye color have a mystery and interesting. Is that people born with rare eye color from babies? What are the reasons why our eye color changes and why have a green eye color owner? The following article will explain these phenomena and raise the good truths about people with rare eye pigments, especially green colors.

Trongcuocdoicuachungta, cohoigapduocaido sohuudoimatmauxanhngoclucbaolacuckithapboidaylamottrongnhungsactomathiemnhattrenthegioi.Chinhviitkhithayaicomaumatxanhtrongcuocsongthuongngay, viecnhintrucdienvadamchimvaocuasotamhonmauxanhitnhieulaikhiennguoitacocamgiacbimehoackhota.Tuynhien, nhungcauhoixoayquanhmaumatnaycungbianvathuvikhongkem.Lieuconnguoitacoduocsinhravoimaumathiemtube? Nhunglydokhienmaumatchungtathaydoilagivataisaolaiconguoisohuumaumatxanh? Baivietsauselygiainhunghientuongnayvaneuthemnhungsuthathayhovenhungnguoicosactomathiem, dacbietlasacxanhluc.

Statistics show that green eye color people are rare.

Not coincidence but among your entire acquaintances and colleagues, lucky out only one or two rare people have a new eye color. Statistics show that the proportion of world population with brown eye color is from 55-79%. Contrary completely with this data, the number of people with green eye color accounts for only 2% worldwide. And rarely are those with gray, purple, red and even pigments with a one-color eye (this is a "heterochromia" phenomenon - iris pigmentation).

Nobody has blue eyes from the time of time.

Scientific studies showed that no newborns possessed green eyes when they were born. Scientists affirmed that all babies have gray or blue eyes. Only when the children start growing up, the new brown melanin pigments are secreted more and the amount of melanin produced will determine the eyes of children in the future. The period of regulating melanin can last for up to 12 months, so parents will know the formal eye color of their children when they are 1 year old.

Green eye color is just a visual joke.

Sometimes you believe that I know someone with green eyes, but this is just an optical phenomenon affected by how light absorbs and reflects colors only. People with green eyes actually only own each brown melanin pigment mixed with a few gold molecules in the eyes leading to rayleigh light scattering phenomena. This phenomenon appears when a person's eye contains less melanin pigment that makes the rays with long wavelengths easier to absorb more eyes. All of these factors make the eye reflecting the last eye color with green as we see.

The proportion of men and women possesses blue eyes uneven.

Studies since the 1985 showed: Women with a higher than male eye color ownership because most people with green eyes are female. But scientists also admit that more research and data need to check the authenticity of this argument.

Some parts of the world have more dense green eye population density than elsewhere.

Based on the geographical location, the proportion of green eye colors also has a huge difference between regions. A study showed that there were 86% of the population in Ireland and Scotland possessed blue and green eye color. And even more unexpectedly, the ratio of men and women carrying these two-colored eyes turns up to 87% and 89% in Iceland. From these data, we can argue that: the areas where people originating from the Celts or Guzhou's Ethnicity of the Middle Ages will be able to own higher green eyes.

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