Secret side effects of eating garlic, says science

These are useful things to know before you cook your next pasta dinner.

Garlic is powerful enough. The medicinal use of this small small but powerful food can be traced until1500 BC. By the ancient Egyptians for things like headaches, bassings of bugs and cardiac problems. And now in the modern day, we lovegarlic For a number of reasons - especially for flavors, he adds to our favoritePasta recipe.

We can consume garlic in many forms. There is of course the fresh garlic clove to chop and put in your Alfredo sauce. But we can also use garlic powder tablets, garlic oil and an elderly garlic extract, which is garlic that undergoes an aging process to produce a very powerful extraction.

With regard to garlic, we wanted to find all the possible effects, including good, bad and ugly. Here are the secret side effects of garlic consumption that you may not have known and for even healthier food tips, be sure to readThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You might feel bloated


Garlic is high in a type of carbohydrate called fructan. These carbohydrates can also be found in foods like wheat, rye, onions, asparagus, grapefruit, watermelon, black beans and cashew nuts. According to Lori Chung Rd, via theOhio State University Wexner Medical Center, people often said badly of gluten intolerance when they can actually have intolerance to the francs.

The symptoms of fructanial intolerance are very similar to gluten intolerance and include things like bloating, stomach pain, cramps and excess gases. If you often encounter similar gastrointestinal problems after eating garlic, you may want to pay attention!

According toCurrent Gastroenterology ReportsA FODMAP diet can be useful for those who have a possible intolerance in Fructan, although other research still needs to be done to determine the effectiveness of this situation. It has also been shown thatCook your garlic can help mitigate some of the possible digestive discomforts.

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You could have stomach burns

three cloves of roasted garlic on table

Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (Gerd), is a very common problem in adults that cause excessesacid reflux in the esophagus. This creates a lot of pain, nausea and stomach.

If you have gerd or you are easily susceptible to stomach burns, you may want to pay attention to the amount of garlic you consume. Our bodies have a lower esophageal sphincter (the), which is a group of muscles that prevents gastric acid from moving to the esophagus. According toFirst aid, The garlic can weaken the "tone" of these muscles and make more heartburn, especially for those with GERD or related struggles.


You could strengthen your immune system

garlic in bowl unpeeled

Garlic can potentially help us strengthen ourimmune system. According toJournal of Immunology SearchThe garlic can improve our immunity by stimulating various types of cells in our body directly related to our immune system function. This report stressed that more human studies still need to be made on this subject, but the current conclusions are very promising.

Another study ofClinical nutrition found that elderly garlic extract can also have a positive result on immunity. This study gave 60 participants a daily dose of elderly garlic extract and another group of 60 participants a placebo. After the trial period, it was found that the group taking the extract reported much less serious cold / influenza symptoms, as well as less time being sick.

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You could be able to use it as an anti-fungal

crushing garlic with a knife
Marina Kliets / Shutterstock

The garlic has been known to contain some antimicrobial properties, which is basically how you could describe something that kills or destroys a certain body. "Antimicrobial" is an umbrella term that includes things like antibacterial and anti-fungal.

A report from theULSTER MEDICAL JOURNALRevealed that garlic has properties that can help combat nine common bacterial infections mentioned in the report, as well as one of the 10 fungi listed:Candida parapassilose.This is a common species of Candida (or yeast) that can sometimes lead to yeast infections if there are too much.

The garlic can be a useful anti-fungal agent, but it is recommended toaddition Other types of anti-fungal drugs and should not necessarily be used alone until new research has been made.


You could improve your cognitive function

garlic oil

Some research has found that garlic can have a positive effect on our cognitive function. According toNutrition logAn elderly garlic extract has been known to reduce our chances of cognitive decline while helping to improve our memory and retention.

A report found inExperimental and therapeutic medicineAlso found that garlic extract could be able to combat certain cancers, heart disease and help prevent dementia because of its soleantioxidant Properties.

For a clearer spirit, here is the30 best and worst food for your brain.


You could reduce your blood pressure

garlic supplements

The garlic has also been known to have properties that can actually reduce our blood pressure levels over time. According to a report on garlic consumption by theNutrition log, the consumption of fresh cloves of garlic or garlic can have positive effects onreduce our blood pressure.

In a report published byColombe medical press, It has been found that one of the main factors in the reduction of blood pressure with garlic is based on polysulfides found in their makeup. These polysulphids help regulate what is called "redox signaling pathways" in our body, which are the means in which our cells get important messages on things that need repair or protection. This includes maintaining our body's blood pressure.

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