10 most useful spices

In daily meals, there are many different spices used to increase the gravity of the dish. Moreover, these spices are also precious medicines with many healthy effects.

During a daily meal, there are many other spices of other spices using the gravity of the food. Moreover, these spices are also precious things with healthy health effects. Please learn about the 10 most useful spices.


Onions are not only used as a common spice in the dishes that also have a lot of effects for healthy nutritional content with vitamins (vitamin B6, C, ...), minerals (Magnesium, calcium, Potassium, sodium, selenium, phosphorus, etc.), and organic compounds (quercetin). Vitamins in the roots can help you enhance the immune system, fight toxins in the body. Onions can also be used as an anticoagulant, enhancing cardiovascular strength. Using regular administration can also help you control diabetes, prevent cancer, reduce stomach pain, and beautify the skin. When you have ear pain, you can use a few drops of juice from onions, permeate in cotton and apply it into the ears. Chewing for 2-3 minutes can help you prevent tooth decays and organal infections. You can also combine onion onion juice with the same rate for cough treatment.

Hành | 10 loại gia vị hữu ích nhất | Her Beauty


Garlic has relatives close to purple onions, spicy and warm. Just like onions, garlic not only used as a familiar spicy that this spice has many health effects. According to modern medicine, garlic has strong antioxidant ability, effectively fighting and supporting cancer treatment. Garlic also works in resistance to bacteria, viruses, fungi. Using frequent garlic can help you prevent cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer, blood fat, and help bones stronger. For women, garlic can help beautify skin, reduce acne. For men, garlic is a spice that works to enhance physiology.

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Ginger is also a familiar spicy and a precious medicine that is commonly used in folk. According to Dong Y, ginger is crucial, spicy ginger. Therefore, ginger is used to cure flu, headache, nasal nasal; pain relief, anti-inflammatory; Cure gastrointestinal evidence, even if the Ran Ran; cure insomnia; Cold a cold limb, weak circuit; Cure stomach diseases including stomach reflux. Also, ginger also helps pregnant women reduce morning sickness (drinking ginger tea), reducing acne; Treat ice. In case you want to lose weight, you should take a warm water with honey, lemon and a few slices in the morning, you can get weight as you want.

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A lot of stews, fry, and your fever will lose delicious without pepper. However, besides using such as a spice for dishes, pepper also brings many health effects by its properties. Pepper contains many vitamin C than both essential, combined with essential oils and substances such as piperin, chanvixin, etc. According to medicine, pepper can be used to increase the ability to absorb other nurtimalisms such as vitamins A, vitamin C, beta-carotene thanks to the piperin in the nutritional ingredient of this spice. Possing the effect of improving the function of the system, stimulating appetite, reducing gastric gas accumulation. If you are frequently stressed, use pepper-containing foods that can help you reduce. With high anti-oxidation capabilities, pepper also has good use of cancer prevention and anti-cancer. , and many other antibacterial effects.

Tiêu | 10 loại gia vị hữu ích nhất | Her Beauty


With a warm aroma and spicy taste, warm hot, cinnamon is a spice that is suitable for sweet or plenty of hot pots such as hotpot or use to reduce odors for meat dishes. Besides, Cinnamon has many health benefits such as reducing cholesterol, hypoglycemic reduction and pulse treatment support 2, good for cardiovascular systems. Cinnamon also has the ability to resist cancer cells, especially colon cancer. In addition, cinnamon also has the effect of tonic brain, good for gastrointestinal tract, reducing infectious diseases, pain relief due to arthritis, reducing discomfort caused by women during menstruation. However, using cinnamon should be reasonable because this spice also has side effects such as causing toxic accumulation if used for a long time (only under 6 weeks with about 6gr cinnamon daily), causing blood thinning, causing blood Allergies, and reduces excessive blood sugar.

Quế | 10 loại gia vị hữu ích nhất | Her Beauty


Is a spicy spicy and hot but chili is most used in spices. For many people, a meal indispensable chili. However, chili without spicy and hot as you think, this spice also has a very common way to use health. If you are anorexia, you can enjoy the dish with a little chili. Chili can stimulate appetite and help you delicious. Due to heat generation effects, chili can help you warm up thickness, combat symptoms of cold-stomach recession. Peppers also have the effect of speeding up fatty fat in food. Due to the anti-oxidant properties, peppers have anti-cancer effects, protecting the heart thanks to the effect of preventing atherosclerosis, reducing pressure, enhancing blood circulation, strong anti-inflammatory, and small treatment support.

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Turmeric is often used as a spice in fishing containers. Besides, technology is also one of the medications for health thanks to the use of CURCUMIN active ingredients. According to research, curcumin has very high antioxidant effects. Therefore, it helps antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, good for the brain, and can prevent cancer cells. However, the ability to absorb the curcumin of the body is quite low, so to increase the ability to absorb curcumin, the technology is often used together with pepper with piperine active ingredients, the possibility of increasing the absorption of curcumin up to 2000 time.

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Can you have tried fried eggs with chives? If not, please try it because it's not just a delicious dish that chives have a lot of health effects. According to research, chives are more resistant to anti-inflammatory than antibiotics. Besides, chives work well for the digestive system, capable of enhancing blood circulation, reducing blood fat, and supports diabetes treatment. For men, chives have a physiological enhancement effect. With children, chives can use to cure the steal sweating, rash, cold cough. If you want to brighten eyes, stir-fry with goat liver for 10 days, can help you brighten your eyes more.

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Vibal is commonly used in noodles, vermicelli, vermicelli, and stir-fried dishes. This spice also has a lot of health effects. With high levels of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, coriander supports good body in anti-inflammatory. These two fatty acids are also very good for the young brain. In coriander with high beta carotene content and many antioxidants, coriander has good effects for the eyes, cancer prevention. Besides, with a wide range of vitamins A, B, C, and minerals such as calcium, folic acid, good coriander for bones, cardiovascular, immune enhancement, supporting diabetes treatment. Due to essential oils contained in coriander, this spice also has sedative effects. In particular, coriander has the effect of removing heavy metals out of the body and is a great medicine for women's skin.

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Just like the above spices with the effect of preventing cancer, supporting diabetes treatment, cardiovascular protection, basil vegetables - a popular spice for pho, vermicelli, boiled poultry dishes, dog meat, etc. There are many other health effects. Frying vegetables can be used to cure fever related to infections due to high antibacterial effects. This herbs can also prevent stress, decompose gravel in the kidneys, treat headaches due to sinusitis, colds, allergies, which have the effect of purifying the body, cure respiratory diseases. For men, using basil to support smoking cessation due to stress reductions in basil will help calm the nerves of the drug. Besides, the compound has the effect of cooling the throat of basil also helps reduce the craving for the drug. Basil also has a high antioxidant properties, helping to protect the parts in the body.

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