7 things that you think will be impressive but real

When you are in love with a guy, you might have the feeling of doing anything to impress him. This feeling is quite understandable when I like someone new and want to attract their attention. But in fact, if a guy worth your time and effort, then you should not change anything about yourself. The true boy of your life will be the one who accepts your real person.

When you fall in love with a guy, you may have a feeling that you want to do anything that is possible to show him. This feeling is quite understandable when I don't know someone new and want to attract their attention. But in fact, if a guy is worth you in time and effort, then you don't change a bit What about yourself. The best boy of your life will be the one who accepts yourself. If you feel like I can try to be too hard to attract a guy or keep a guy, see 7 things that she thinks will impress him but real.

Makeup too bold

You can feel like a guy who wants you to always make a careful makeup and your image always standards, but most men actually want to see your real people. And that includes your appearance.

Trang điểm quá đậm | 7 điều mà các nàng nghĩ sẽ làm các chàng ấn tượng nhưng thực tế lại không | Her Beauty

Go super high heels

High heels can bring certain glamation initially, but finally, most people will want to get to know you in other aspects, not just a way to eat.

Đi giày siêu cao gót | 7 điều mà các nàng nghĩ sẽ làm các chàng ấn tượng nhưng thực tế lại không | Her Beauty

Natural cold unclear reasons

This is a terrible throne, although many women do this as a tactic to attract the guy's attention they like. But this sudden cold cold war sometimes seems to be a idea that is not really good. It really makes him feel confusing and causes afraid of unreasonable - what most people don't kindly speak directly to solve.

Tự nhiên lạnh lùng không rõ lý do | 7 điều mà các nàng nghĩ sẽ làm các chàng ấn tượng nhưng thực tế lại không | Her Beauty


Many women think that always agree with everything is the fastest way to capture his feelings. But unless he was an extremely afficted person, the actual man would not like a woman agreed with everything he said. You will become boring and look shallow in his eyes - while in fact humans you don't like that!

Không có chính kiến | 7 điều mà các nàng nghĩ sẽ làm các chàng ấn tượng nhưng thực tế lại không | Her Beauty

Pretend less smarter when

If a guy makes you feel bad because you are perspective and smart, it's best to leave. A prince deserves you will not say witty jokes and when you have a different view of him as well as the angle of view that a smart woman shared.

Giả vờ kém thông minh hơn thường khi | 7 điều mà các nàng nghĩ sẽ làm các chàng ấn tượng nhưng thực tế lại không | Her Beauty


Many women mistakenly lower their own to look forward to receiving compliments from a guy, but this is absolutely not good. The saying that you think your hair looks bad or wish she had a smaller waistline - just let him reflect - an attempt to attract extremely pathetic attention. And while you are pretending to take care of yourself, all these actions will accidentally make him feel that you are a real self-reliant person.

Mồi chài những lời khen | 7 điều mà các nàng nghĩ sẽ làm các chàng ấn tượng nhưng thực tế lại không | Her Beauty

Fame on social networks

Whether it's a super hot post on Instagram or something softer like posting multiple selfie all day, having a dynamic life seems to be an important thing in the current society where everything All are posted online. But if a guy really enjoys you but doesn't give you praise when you post Status, then you can not care about how many followers do you have or how many likes Give photos on your Instagram. The popularity on social networks sometimes doesn't have any meaning in a real relationship.

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