Coronavirus: All you need to know about symptoms and risks
First, there was Norovirus and now coronavirus. Coronavirus has spread global panic as the number of deaths it causes has been constantly increasing. So far, almost 3,000 people contracted the virus, most of them living in China. Only in China, more than 80 people died.

First, there was Norovirus and now Ocoronavirus. Coronavirus has spread over global panic as the levels it causes it is constantly increasing. So far, nearly 3.000Pessoas contracted the virus, most of them living in China. Only in China, more than 80 people died.
The infection started initially in the city of Wuhan, located in Hubei Province, China. Many companies are suspending deliveries or any collaboration in China. Starbucks, McDonald's and Disney discontinued operations and added travel restrictions in response to the outbreak. Up to a few car brands like PSA Group and Honda Motor began to remove officials from China. Others are evaluating the crisis continuously.
Shanghai even issued a warning asking parts who stop working until February 3 instead of the usual in 31 January, and all public transportation was stopped in Wuhan. Aspersoas of other countries that have recently traveled to Wuhan gets auto, to avoid spreading the disease even more.
The World Health Organization evaluated the overall risk of the virus as "moderate", but this foolishly changed to "high".
This is not the most enjoyable way to finish the Chinese New Year celebration. Still, there is some information about coronavirus that everyone needs to know, as well as the necessary precautions to stay safe.

What is coronavirus?
There are several types of coronavirushumanos, including NL63, HKU1, OC43 and 229E, which are common alpha and betamal varieties. There are also Mers-COV, SARS-COV and, finally, 2019 NCOV or 2019NOVEL CORONAVIRUS, which is the latest outbreak identified in the city of Wuhan.
The disease usually begins mild to moderate cominfections of the upper respiratory tract.
Although we are talking about human coronavirus, this virus family can be transmitted between animals and people.

Human coronavirus may appear as a common cold and make you view:
General discomfort
Throat / cough
Problems of breath / breath
In some cases, coronavirus posecuse more serious diseases of the lower respiratory tract, as bronchitis Epneumonia. The likelihood of this is increased for the elderly, babies who do not have a robust immune system.
How he is neriagnosed
Health professionals can diagnose coronavirus through laboratory tests or their symptoms. The history of travel is an integral part of this diagnosis.

How it spreads
Coronavirus is more commonly used by:
Personal physical contact, including handhelds or other forms of touch
In the air due to sneezing or cough
Physical contact with an item that touched ovirus and then touch the eyes / nose / mouth
How to prevent coronavirus
Reduce the risk of contracting this viruslavando with water and soap for a minimum period of 20seconds. If your hands are not washed, do not touch your eyes, mouth or boca. Also, try not get in touch with other people or exhibit symptoms. Currently, there is no treatment or vaccine vaccinecific for coronaviruses. If you present any of the docoronavirus symptoms, look for a doctor for diagnosis or treatment immediately.
People are widespread afraid of a global coronavirus epidemic and, while stock exchanges are suffering, following these simple guidelines can help significantly reduce the chances of infection. By itself, coronavirus is simply a virus family that causes a large number of common colds in adults and children. However, when not diagnosed and evolving for more severe respiratory infections, it can become deadly.

Potential trip for China
If you have plans to visit China, the US State Department recommends to the contrary. In addition to health problems, the Chinese government can prohibit or restrict travel without prior notice, which can be dangerous to travelers. The Department also said: "The US government has limited capacity to provide emergency services" to your citizens who are in China.

Stock market crash
Although this is only a volatile economic reaction, not the end of the world, stock market activity plummeted in recent days due to coronavirus. After China announced the rapid increase in potentially fatal virus, there was a great sales movement in the European and Japanese markets. Investors fear that the disease prevents world economic growth. Fortunately, this mania of sale is only temporary and soon the financial order will be restored. Come on, scientists!