What you should know before starting a Keto diet

There are many diets out there that promise similar results. And if you believe you should eat less and move more, that what matters is the difference in calorie consumption, it is still important to decide what foods you will eat.

Existemmuitas diets out there that promise similar results. And if vocêacredita should eat less and move more, that queimporta is the difference in calorie consumption, is still importantedecidir what are the foods you will eat. We are todosdiferentes and while some people thrive on diets emcarboidratos and low-fat, others suffer from them. Algumaspessoas love salads, others prefer a dinner with meat. If vocêjá tried other diets before and found that they do not match comvocê - this diet may be what you need, because it is diferentede any other diet out there. It is rich in fat, moderate emproteínas and low in carbohydrates. Keep reading to descobrirmais.

What is the diet Keto

A keto diet is a low carbohydrate diet. The idea is to limit carbohydrate intake to less than 50 grams per day and, instead, get most of their calories from fats and proteins. The way this works is that in a few days, your body will be easy without fuel, such as blood sugar from carbohydrates and instead plunge in fat reserves and muscle you have and use them as energy. This process is called ketosis, or ketosis in English, and that's where the name "keto" comes from.

Keto diet for beginners

Beginners may think that the keto diet sounds very similar to the Atkins diet. But this is not exactly the case. While Atkins is a diet low in carbohydrates but high in protein, Keto is a diet high in fat, moderate in protein and low carbohydrates. In fact, eating too much protein can prevent ketosis, which would be bad, because that's the purpose of this diet. It is also important to consult a doctor before starting a diet Keto, because it can be quite difficult for the body, especially the kidneys.

Starting the diet Keto

To start the Keto diet, it is important to first learn about which foods have more fat and less carbohydrates. And you also have to change your perspective on diets. This is very different from other diets. While most diets recommend plenty of fruits and vegetables - you can hardly eat a diet that due to the high content of carbohydrates and sugar in these foods. You should also be ready to cook a lot, because, although there are many processes processed, high in fat, you do not want to eat processed foods all the time.

What to eat in the diet Keto

When starting a keto diet, you will have to bid farewell to soft drinks, candy, cookies, chocolates, pizzas, chips and other foods rich in carbohydrates. However, you can not just eat a lot of chicken breast, because it is a food rich in protein. Most meals consist of little protein with a generous portion of fat and some vegetables low-calorie and no starch.

Diet foods Keto

The idea is to eat enough fat and moderate protein, then oily fish, steaks, ham, eggs and cheese are good things to base your meals. To add more fat to your diet, you can also incorporate healthy oils like avocado and olive oil, butter, sour cream, fresh avocados and various nut butters. You need some carbohydrates, but they should come primarily from vegetables low in carbohydrates, such as spinach, arugula, celery, asparagus and tomatoes.

Keto Diet Snacks

Generally, a Keto diet supplies as well, so you do not feel the need to eat as often. Most people sticks to three main meals and feels good. However, Keto snacks are pretty easy. You can eat nuts, which are full of fat when you want something fresh - celery or cucumber with cream cheese are your best friends. And you can also find many recipes Keto snack snacks like peanut butter balls and other fat bombs on Pinterest.

Keto Diet Plan

The Keto diet égeralmente considered a short-term diet, so éimportante have a plan. Most people use this as umestímulo to change your lifestyle. So you decide quantotempo remain in Keto diet and what it will do next. Paraaqueles struggling to create a Keto diet plan - there muitosplanos 7 days for beginners available online.

Your day may seem derefeições this:

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with tomato and coffee bulletproof

Lunch: saladade avocado, bacon and goat cheese

Dinner: pizza Keto

Diet side effects Keto

In addition to rapid weight loss, it has some side effects. As you will be reducing the amount of vegetables you eat, you can go through a bit of constipation at the beginning. Bad breath can also be a problem. Most people pass by what is known as Keto-flu - you feel weak, a little nauseous and tired, and can have a headache. This is because your body is getting used to the new routine and starting to use fat as energy.

Categories: Сomida and travel
Tags: diet / keto
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