Giorgia Meloni and Andrea Giambruno, one of the most popular of the moment couples
Famous, and reserved outside the box!

Do not we hear about very often, but one formed by Giorgia Meloni and Andrea Giambruno seems to be one of the most admired couples of the moment. Both famous, both engaged, yet they continue to have a decent family profile, solid and away fromrumors. But the feature that most curious and like is that although the momentum of Giorgia for traditional families, the two seem to be a modern couple and very far from the most common stereotypes of tradition. Don't you believe it? Know them more closely.
Giorgia Meloni
Giorgia was born in Rome on January 15, 1977 by father Francesco (who left the family and moved to the Canary Giorgia when he was only 12 years old) and her mother Anna. She lives in the capital has always been, she was born in the North of Rome, but she lived her childhood and adolescence in the neighborhood Garbatella. This is where the strong Giorgia political passion has taken the first steps.

Andrea Giambruno
Andrew, instead, was born in Milan and, in addition to being one of the faces of journalism Mediaset, is also one of the most active authors of the television schedule. He collaborated on programs likeMatrix,Morning five AndFifth column. He has four years younger than his wife's, and from what we read about, has had a youth nothing short of exuberant, does not believe in marriage, is in favor of the legalization of soft drugs, there is no trace of him on social networks and, before starting to support his partner, he has always voted left.

Jailbird was ...
… the programFifth column and the famous episode of the banana. According to tell Giorgia and Andrea, the leader ofBrothers of Italy she had been invited to the program and had arrived in the studies after a day of hectic to say the least. You hungry, she ate a banana when called to go on the air. Hastily, she smollò the fruit half-eaten in the hands of Andrea, convinced that she was a studio assistant. Despite strong differences between the two, since then they have never lost sight of.

Here comes Geneva
The small Geneva comes to color-Giambruno Meloni home on September 16, 2016. She is one of the few girls in the world that can boast an electoral campaign made even before coming into the world! Remember Giorgia around the capital with the big belly?

Giorgia mom
For any woman it is to be difficult to separate the mother from being women. Align demands of work and family, times of children with those of personal commitments. But as well as having super powers of every woman, Giorgia has another ace up his sleeve so as not to miss anything to her child: Andrea.

Giorgia and politics
The Giorgia political passion began in 1992, just 15 years old when she forms a student coordination against school reform proposed by the then Minister Rosa Russo Iervolino and since then she has never ceased to participate in public affairs. She was the youngest minister in the history of the Republic, she is president of two political parties (Brothers of Italy he was born inParty of Conservatives and Reformists of the European) And, given the parliamentary storms of recent months, for sure Georgia can not afford to make a full-time mom. It is also thanks to the help and support of her of her that Andrea Giorgia can devote himself to the political commitment to her.

Andrea and life to Daddy
Despite the work of him, Andrea is the one that at the end of the day have more time to share with the small Geneva. With a family of the most modern and natural for the twenty-first century, Andrew makes dad almost full time, leaving his partner time and family serenity to devote to political activities that force her away from home much of the day. An opening and a collaboration that make them an example to follow for many.