You remember you t.a.t.u.?

Remember the two Russian girls who conquered half a world over the nineties?

We are towards the end of the fabulous nineties when Julita Volkova and Elena Katina appeared almost from nothing and fell by half a world! They had a stressy success and they only had 14 years! They were a real revelation for the age and success accompanied them for a long time. But what happened to it then? When they stopped being on the crest of the wave, have they continued to work in the world of music or have they ventured on other roads? If you have no idea and you want to satiate your curiosity, this is the right place to know. Come and see how they have become today!


Everything began when Ivan Šapovalov (a composer and producer famous throughout Russia) took them to interpret a piece dedicated to the Balkans, who in those years were sadly protagonists of complex political events. Ivan played at the two beautiful girls of fantastic pieces and pushed them to do paladines of the gay world.

She All The Things She She Said

This is the title of their first real success. It was the very distant 2002 and the video of the song was reproduced on the web for almost 90 million times. For the epoch these were exorbitant figures! In 2005 another great success came,All About US, which helped make them even more famous throughout the world.

Fake homosexuality

Le t.a.t.u. They liked for their irreverence and ... for their exhibited homosexuality. In fact, when in an interview they declared the press not to be really homosexuals, but to show sufficient attitudes only for a pure choice of marketing, they lost much of their young consent and numerous fans! They didn't completely disappear, but their popularity resented a lot.

The 2014 Winter Olympics

The Winter Olympics of Sochi were the last chance in which the world saw Elena and Julija sing together on a stage for a world public. President Putin wanted her on stage to open the Olympic Games and, to resent them, the nostalgic hearts have inflamed, looking in all ways to encourage them back together on stage. Uselessly.

Julija Volkova

Julija is also a mother of two beautiful children today: Viktoria, born in 2004, and Sarim, born only two years later. She has undergone various interventions to the vocal strings and her voice is almost unrecognizable! Also for this reason, perhaps, she has undertaken the roads of cinema and entrepreneurship, in which she seems to have a fair success.

Elena Katina

Elena (or Lena for the most), instead, has remained in the world of music. She's last singles of her, date back to two years ago, but she continues to do solo concerts around Russia. She continued to follow her dream even without her bandmate, but - as she himself said - the years of the t.a.t.u. They are and remain forever the most beautiful years of her career.

Categories: Fun
Tags: ‘90 / music
By: alberto
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