Sodium bicarbonate: 10 benefits you don't expect

10 tips to stay healthy with sodium bicarbonate

Very common, very cheap and very useful. Sodium bicarbonate is a unique product, very useful in the kitchen, precious for personal care. Did you know that, in addition to its most famous properties, it is also a powerful anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial and even natural antihistamine? Helps in digestion and check cholesterol, it is an excellent ally to have a bright and bright smile and help you have impeccable skin.

Natural deodorant

With the heat it is normal to sweat, but if you are not fans of chemical and aggressive deodorants, you will be enough to prepare a natural compound based on bicarbonate, maizena and two drops of essential oil. You can say goodbye to the smell of sweat!


Sodium bicarbonate is an effective exfoliant for the skin and is very moisturizing. Use it as a face mask, for your hands or for any other area that needs a natural and regenerating intervention. Apply a mixture with water and bicarbonate for 3-5 minutes on the area to be treated and you will, in a very short time, a hydrated and free impurities skin.

Against the flu

Melt a spoon and a half baking soda in half a glass of cold water. Bicarbonate helps to maintain the blood pH unaltered, helping to counter the most common symptoms of influence and colds.

To eliminate mushrooms and bacteria

One of the best known properties of bicarbonate is its ability to eliminate mushrooms and bacteria. An antifungal and a natural antiseptic that - if added to the fragrant water of your footbed or your manicure - will help you eliminate any kind of nail or skin.

Against insect bites

Have you ever tried to relieve the effects of an insect puncture with a bicarbonate compound? Apply a teaspoon of bicarbonate dampened on the puncture and leave posing for a few minutes. You will notice an immediate relief from itching and redness.

Reduces muscle fatigue

If you are sportsmen, especially at this time of year so hot, you will be enough to drink a nice glass of water with two tablespoons of bicarbonate a few hours before training. Will delay the perception of muscular fatigue and will help to decrease the production of lactic acid.

Urinary tract infections

Between beaches, sea, pools, temperature and stress changes, urinary tract infections are increasingly frequent in summer. That involving bladder, urethra or kidneys does not matter: take regular bicarbonate can help prevent and counter this type of infection. Ask for confirmation to your doctor.

Healthy mouth

If you want a healthy mouth, with rosy gums and very white teeth, you will have to become regular consumers of sodium bicarbonate. Use it instead of the mouthwash: Gargarisms of ten seconds with warm water and bicarbonate, then rinsing carefully. Helps prevents the formation of plaque, tartar, caries, bad breath, sfte and gingivitis.

Improve digestion

Bicarbonate is a basic solution that can counteract the excessive stomach acidity that you have when you eat too much or bad. It helps to rebalance the gastric environment and to favor a more serene digestion.

It keeps bad cholesterol under control

Some studies have shown that drinking a glass of natural water daily with a teaspoon of bicarbonate can help fight too high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. It is an effective solution, which always requires the approval of your doctor, especially if you suffer from too high or too low pressure.

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