11 tips for healthy and shiny hair all year round!

There are good practices, simple to follow, which can make a difference for all hair types? Small rules that can help every woman have fabulous hair? The answer is yes!

Having strong, healthy, full-bodied and shiny hair is the dream of every woman but sometimes it's really hard to take care of it in the right way. Moisture, rain, pollution, temperatures (too high in summer and too low in winter) can really adversely affect hair health. Without considering that every type of hair needs a specific treatment. But there are good practices, simple to follow, which can make a difference for all hair types? Small rules that can help every woman have fabulous hair? The answer is yes! And they are all here!

The shampoo

The right shampoo can make a difference. For example, a nutrient shampoo that can repair structure and lengths will serve for dry and bribious hair. If instead the hair tend to feed up quickly, better use small amounts of product and wash your hair so that they are really clean, so as not to have to do another shampoo a short distance. Have you already tried solid shampoos? I am the true revolution for hair care!

Bio balm

Another pitch point for the beauty of the hair routine is the balm. There are really all kinds, but they are not all the same. Read the labels well, always choose natural products, free of chemical agents and silicones that weigh and grease their hair and, if you do not find the right product, consider it to make onead hocAt home, with a few simple ingredients for breathtaking hair!

The right cut can make a difference

For this you will need an experienced professional, someone who knows how to analyze the structure of your hair and scalp and that knows how to understand what the cutting is most suited to the shape of your face and your needs. Rely on the hairdresser and return to us at least once every two months. You will see the difference!

Not all the brushes are the same

The brushes are not all the same! Stay away from the completely synthetic ones, because they are too aggressive on hair and scalp. The best brushes are made of natural bristles, which glide very easily on the hair, eliminating dirt residues and hairstylling products.

Washings too frequent

Too frequent washings submit hair to considerable stress. The Principe advice to avoid having to wash your hair too often is only one: Remove your hair from your hair! Don't touch them. Take care, residing them and then leave them alone. They will be cleaned much longer!

The towel

The classic sponge towels have a too rough texture that can be aggressive, ruining the hair stem and sealing the scalp. Due to the wrong towel you might have dry and brittle hair that tend to grease. No damage! The solution? Simple. Use a microfibre towel, with a striped texture, to gently plug your hair just to remove excess water.

Excessive heat

The best solution to dry the hair always remains to let them dry naturally outdoors. But you can not always! When you use the phon avoiding too high temperatures and never keep it too long fixed on the same lock of hair, but constantly moving it. Greatly reduce the risk of damaging them.

A thermoprotector

If you think that some tools necessary for hairstyles can also reach temperatures above 200 ° C will be obvious the need to use a thermal protector before using straighteners and curling irons.

Which elastic to use not to ruin them

Tie the hair does not damage them. They are the accessories and inadequate techniques that create problems. Avoid poor elastic bands, made of materials like iron and plastic, around which hair can tangle and break. Favorite the fabric and the sponge and never pull your hair too much to tie them.


They are not the dyes itself to ruin the hair, but the errors that are committed to their use. There are a thousand debates about whether and how much hurt ammonia, oxygen and other chemicals that, in different quantities, are present in all colors. But the secret is one: entrust yourself to expert hands to spill yourself with the colors! Or if you prefer to sun home, choose products suitable for your hair type and the most natural possible.

Hair health starts from the table

You can't have healthy hair without a strong and healthy organism. Choose a healthy diet, rich in protein, vitamin B5, zinc, iron and folic acid. Predigate fruit (even dried), fish, white meats and vegetables. All foods that will allow your scalp to be strong and to grow healthy and shiny hair.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: hair
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