Orchids: 10 simple and effective ways to have fantastic flowers

The plants furnish, fill the house of colors and keep company. They are silent friends to take care day after day, which if treated in the best way they give a sea of ​​happy satisfactions. Among all, the orchids are among the most purchased plants and given to the world, but often after a first lovely flowering, they are reduced to sterile stems that struggle to cut.

The plants furnish, fill the house of colors and keep company. They are silent friends to take care day after day, which if treated in the best way they give a sea of ​​happy satisfactions. Among all, the orchids are among the most purchased plants and given to the world, but often after a first lovely flowering, they are reduced to sterile stems that struggle to cut. But is there a way to take care of it and have fantastic flowers even at home? Of course! We suggest as much as 10, all simple and very effective!

Know the plant

Orchids are the most varied perennial plants in the world. There are a number of 20 thousand species, divided into over 650 different kinds. They are typical plants of the tropical and sub-tropical area of ​​America (central and southern) and Asia. The elegance of their flowers is so indisputable that to give the name to the most known species in the world, thePhalaenopsis, it is a name that in Latin means "similar to a butterfly".

The light

The light is very important for every type of plant and the orchid is no exception. Find a suitable place at home, very bright, but never exposed to the direct sunlight. Especially if in front of a window! Excessive heat and light could burn petals and leaves.

The water

There are very few plants that need to drink daily. For watering there is a simple and universal rule: plants water when we need it. When you see that the ground starts to dry too much, immerse the plant in a bowl filled with water at room temperature, let it absorbs the necessary water alone and then pull it out. Repeat this operation twice a month will be more than enough.

The fertilizer

You will need a specific fertilizer for orchids and specifically for the particular need of your plant. Generally the compounds are always of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but depending on whether you want to stimulate vegetation, flowering or simply strengthen the plant, concentrations are different. Ask your trusted nursery, you will surely advise you the best fertilizer for you.


As already mentioned, the orchid is a tropical plant and not by chance loves moisture. Nebulize the plant once every two days and always keep it in an environment in which the temperature never drops below 15 degrees.


Not everyone agrees on the need to prune orchids, but in case you want to try, know that there are two more widespread techniques: or completely remove withered leaves and flowers or leave the leaves and recide the stems at about 20 cm from the base. In any case, you will need clean shears and the mastic to cover the wound. Orchids affect very possible "infections".

The cleaning of the leaves

Keep the leaves clean helps keep the plant healthy. A simple damp cloth will be sufficient and a pinch of good will. Remove the dust that deposits on the leaves and you can enjoy all their splendid green.

The color of the leaves

It happens that leaves yellow and often the cause is water. If you give too much water to the plant the leaves will yellow, they will present black spots and the roots will be very dark. In this case avoid watering the plant for at least two weeks. Otherwise, if the leaves become yellow and fibrous, you have been watering too little. Give them more water, at least once a week by immersion and vaporizing the leaves once a day.

The vase

Although there are simply fantastic ceramic vases, the best vase for the orchid must be transparent. It will help you keep the health of the roots under control and will allow them to make a sort of necessary photosynthesis.

The temperature

Some claim that, especially in autumn, it is good to make the plant a thermal shock to stimulate its vegetation, but the ideal temperature for orchids is one must be almost constant, between 15 and 18 degrees centigrade. You will have unique orchids!

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