11 tips to quickly lose fat to the abdomen

Every body is a "bikini body" in its own way, and is the abdominal area to be seen as a primary goal to lose weight, this for many people around the world.

Every body is a "bikini body" in his own way, and it is the abdominal area to be seen as the primary goal to lose weight, that for many people around the world. The fat in the stomach, however, is not just something that makes us insecure. It is a dangerous type of fat, known as visceral fat, which puts people at risk for heart disease, diabetes and more.

To feel more confident of your abdomen and your overall health, follow these tips on how to lose weight quickly in this area.

1. The Fibers are the key

It consumes tons of fibrous foods, from porridge to flax seeds, avocados, and brussels sprouts. The fibers allow you to maintain a regular digestive system, which can also help you lose weight. Even the type of fiber is important, we'll want to look for foods with soluble fiber when you go shopping.

2. Do cardio

Training should be part of the routine of all but doing cardio exercises specifically is an effective way to lose fat and bring out those abs. Aerobic exercise is your friend and should be done before weights.

3. The strength / resistance training does not swell, finishes

Many people think that gaining muscle mass means inflate but the weights are also a great way to firm and tone. In fact, in fact, complete most of the sessions, and can be practiced together with cardio, if you want to have a flat stomach.

4. Take it slow with cocktails

Drink that glass of wine is more impactful than you think. The alcohol not only does it take a lot of weight, it also causes a distortion to the stomach area. There is a reason why they call it beer belly. If you reduce your drinking, probably it will decrease the size of life.

5. No processed fats

When hydrogen is pumped into unsaturated fats, you get an extremely unhealthy product: processed fats. This disgusting invention is prohibited by most food products nowadays and is directly connected to various inflammations, weight gain and insulin resistance.

6. Consider intermittent fasting

You should never deprive yourself from not eating regularly to lose weight but, following this unique way, you could reduce your waist size, and also have more mental clarity. One method that many people use is fasting for 24 hours, once a week. Other fast for 16 hours a day and eat within a time period of 8 hours. Honestly, sometimes we forget to eat breakfast, then this could work!

7. Approaching coconut oil

Not only tastes delicious but coconut oil is probably healthier than most of the alternatives to the fat present in your pantry. This magic ingredient increases metabolism by reducing the amount of fat stored in reaction caloric intake. This evidence is still being studied but it looks promising. Just remember that coconut oil is high in fat (they are good, do not worry) to adjust portions accordingly.

8. Welcoming the vinegar

It could have a strong flavor at first taste, but this vinegar lends itself well as a dressing for salads and other dishes. It can also be diluted in water or juice. Apple vinegar offers a multitude of health benefits, among them we find the fight various diseases and weight gain. The acetic acid allows the abdomen not to store too much fat.

9. Switch from coffee to green tea

The coffee is not bad but dairy products and sugar, which often are added, they are. In addition, the coffee gives you a charge that can carry you out of control. If you switch to green tea, you'll still have that extra boost of caffeine, but you'll get the benefits of an antioxidant that increases metabolism, called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG.

10. Attend healthy people

If your BFF always eat fast food, we're not telling you to abandon them. But, given the many temptations of unhealthy foods around us, you can consider the idea of ​​going to the gym or bar "healthy", with friends who have similar eating habits and your goals. You can also try to be the coach of the change with your partner or your group of friends.

11. Switching from meat to fish

Fatty fish are very healthy, have a high protein content and contain omega 3, which help decrease visceral fat and protect from disease. Stay away from red meat and replace it with fish like sardines, salmon and mackerel, it is really a great thing. Be that kind of person eating vegetarian food and fish, along with seafood, leads to a lot of benefits and health benefits.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: diet / weight loss
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