Wear socks in bed: 6 reasons to start doing it

Do you sleep with socks or are you one of those people who think is crazy, uncomfortable and totally wrong to wear them to go to bed?

Everyone has his habits when talking about sleep. Some people sleep exclusively in pajamas, others choose to sleep in oversize t-shirts and others prefer to sleep undressed. And the feet instead? Do you sleep with socks or are you one of those people who think is crazy, uncomfortable and totally wrong to wear them to go to bed? Of course, your preferences are valid, but we are here to tell you that there are actually some reasons (to say it all, benefits) to sleep with socks. Continue reading to find out why it's a good idea and why you should probably start doing it, or at least try.

1. You will fall asleep more quickly

If you have difficulty taking sleep, this could be a good solution for you. Keeping your feet wearing socks will make you sleep faster. A study conducted in 2007 compared the amount of time used by people to fall asleep both with socks and without. Those who had socks fell asleep more quickly than the others.

2. You will not sweat

Some people wake up in the middle of the night due to hot flashes, others have cold sweats in the early morning. It turned out that it is possible to avoid all this, simply wearing socks in bed. It is also particularly advantageous for those who often have cold feet. Socks heat the feet and dilate blood vessels, helping blood to circulate efficiently, better adjusting body temperature.

3. You will not suffer from the Raynaud phenomenon

Have you ever woken up with a strange feeling of palpitation at the toes or feet themselves? The Raynaud phenomenon is connected to Raynaud syndrome. What happens is that the circulation is less in certain terminations, many times are the fingers of the hands and feet, and this makes them swell and pulse. But wearing socks will ensure that blood vessels are dated, improving circulation.

4. You will be more satisfied in bed

Studies put in compare pairs wearing socks in bed with others who did not carry them. Apparently, couples who made love with socks tried fulfillment in 75% of cases, while those who did not wear socks have satisfied only half of the time. So you know, if you want to improve your loving life, why not try to do it with socks on you?

5. I'll get smoother feet

The cracked heels are not cute, and we all agree on this. Moreover, it is really inconvenient to have the back of the dry feet, that feeling due to the sheets that get out because of this aspect is definitely the worst. Although pedicures are an excellent option to solve the problem, you can face the dilemma by applying a nice handful of moisturizing cream on the feet and wearing socks in bed. Try it, you will wake up with lovely feet, smoother, much softer than they were the day before.

6. Things from keep in mind

Although sleeping with socks has several advantages, from making you feel more comfortable to improve circulation, thermoregulation and skin health, there are some things you need to keep in mind if you choose to sleep with socks. First of all, make sure your socks are clean, don't wear dirty stockings in bed, they will just grow and multiply the bacteria, hurt your feet. And secondly, make sure the socks are soft and not too tight. If you wear tight socks you may actually deteriorate the circulation, which sends the whole purpose to wear socks in bed.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: salute / sleep
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