8 crazy ways to dye your hair at home (and working seriously)

Have you ever tried that annoying feeling of having to change something instantly, without leaving home and avoiding paying an expensive sitting in a beauty salon?

Have you ever experienced that nagging feeling of having to change instantly, without leaving home and avoid paying an expensive sitting in a beauty salon? One of the best ways to do this is to change hair color. Yes, you can also do it at home, thanks to very simple products to recover. Some are sweet and natural as carrots or beets, others are able to create the brightest colors you've ever seen on your hair. Know that these colors will have different results depending on the shade of the hair, whether dark or light. 8 Here you will find crazy ways to dye their hair at home.

Tint marker

Get yourself a box of washable markers, choose the colors you'd like to try and open them. You will find in them the ink cartridges, they look like sticks. Take the first, put one end into the water until it becomes white: this is the part that you will support on the lips, and then blow out the ink in a separate bowl. Repeat the procedure with all the sticks using separate bowls. Add some 'balm to dilute each ink and to turn it into tinted hair. Getting ready for your locks! It's a good idea to use gloves for protection.

Tint beet

The beet is one of those natural dyes valid for both pale hair to dark ones. To create the beetroot hue you will need half a cup of fresh beet juice mixed with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply the mixture on your hair, wrap them and wait for about 50-60 minutes. In the end, you should get a beautiful purple tint if the hair is dark, a light magenta tint if the hair is lighter.

pastel Tint

Dye your hair with pastels is quite easy: you just have to choose the colors you want to use. Take a crayon, mettetene one end into the water until it becomes soft like a batter, and started rubbing it on your hair. The color will be very bright but the crayons they wash very quickly.

lemon Reflections

Lemon is a natural enlightening so why not try it on your hair? Take half a cup of freshly squeezed and dilute it with a quarter cup of water lemon juice. Add some 'of coconut oil as a moisturizing factor. Apply all over the hair areas you want to highlight: with a spray, for example, is very convenient. The key aspect is to keep the hair outdoors, in the sun: in this way activate lemon. The latter has a slow effect and probably will need to try a few times to get the desired result.

Kool-Aid Dye

Dye your hair with Kool-Aid is surprisingly banal. Pour the powder of Kool-Aid into a glass, just add a little 'of water to dilute the whole thing and bring out the color, so a good amount of balm to turn it into the color that you apply on the hair. Mix everything thoroughly and brush the mixture on the hair with a brush. You can use aluminum to cover the hair dyes. Let dry, then wash your hair ... et voila! Another way to achieve the tint is to boil a bit 'of water, add the package of Kool-Aid and then soak your hair for about 30 minutes. It also works with the dark hair!

coffee Tint

Coffee is one of the natural colors for more nutritious hair. To prepare the product will need a quarter cup of freshly brewed espresso coffee, half a cup of balm to give a little 'consistency and a teaspoon of coffee grounds. Mix together thoroughly and apply it on the hair for about 60 minutes. Do not expect a very significant change in color but it could even out the color and create a different shade.

food coloring Tint

This is one of the safest and natural ways that exist to dye their hair at home with vibrant results. The food pigments are free of chemicals and there is a large variety of colors with which to experiment. Take a few drops of color that you want to try it, mix it with hair conditioner and apply it on the areas you want to dye. To create a dense color just add more drops of dye. Let the color do it yourself on the hair for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it with water.

Tint cinnamon

We then discover that cinnamon not only has a delicious aroma, but which can also be useful to change hair color! According to some experts on YouTube, cinnamon can give to the hair at least a tone of more shine. Mix half cinnamon cup with half a balm cup and apply the mixture on the hair for at least one hour. Natural dyes require more time to work!

Categories: Beauty
Tags: hairstyle / hair
By: geoffrey
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